Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [that] [pron] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , I do not think that one could increase pensions in line with earnings each year if one did not address oneself , not to the rate at which contributions are made , but to the income on which contributions are assessed .
2 The comparison between Matisse and Picasso is true and present and I do not think that one can look at Matisse without thinking of Picasso and vice versa .
3 We do not think that they should have been put to this trouble we defend the status quo in the Scottish Bus Group .
4 That being so , I do not think that we ought to attempt beforehand to classify all the occasions upon which it may be proper to make such an order …
5 ‘ The Commission does not think that we should expect an increase of prices …
6 For reasons to which I shall refer later I do not think that we should do that .
7 Clem Attlee nationalised the Bank of England because he did not think that we should have rule by central bankers .
8 I do not think that we can achieve more in this forum .
9 I do not think that we can turn back the tide of secularisation altogether in the area of dying , but we can call a halt to it by giving some serious thought to practices within our society and churches .
10 With regard to the need for direct and close contact , I do not think that we could have had a clearer example of that than the visit of President Yeltsin and the very straight talking between my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and the president .
11 I do not think that anything could have a higher commendation .
12 I do not think that anyone would believe that that was either necessary or sensible .
13 No , I do not think that I shall make the same mistake again .
14 I do not think that I shall go back there again ; I will write to Dr Heatherton .
15 I do not think that I should explain to the hon. Member why he was not called .
16 Unfortunately , I do not think that I can help you with this particular line of enquiry .
17 Do not think that you can learn by sitting back with your feet up reading a book .
18 ‘ I do not think that you will find the Prince overjoyed to be reminded of his presence here , ’ said Auguste .
19 As for killing Havvie , I did not think that she would thank me for the scandal , ’ he finished simply .
20 Half-formed suspicion had become fact , and Cassie did not think that she could come to terms with it …
21 He did not think that he would get away with it .
22 Worse than that from the Government 's point of view , I do not think that he will arrive in time for the general election .
23 Making war in the twelfth century was rather like going on strike in the twentieth : it was a method of exerting economic and financial pressure on your opponent — it was not intended that it should end in his death .
24 That a court should take account of such a rule would [ and should ] not mean that it would have to accept it .
25 Whilst that may be interesting ( and I am not suggesting that we should refrain totally from such activity ) , something more is needed if we are really to approach the Earth and the earth spirit with any depth and with any hope of useful results .
26 I am not suggesting that you should collapse in a soggy heap if you bang your head or shut your finger in the door ; but suppressing tears when you are really unhappy is suppressing the grief itself and this can be harmful in several ways :
27 It 's you making the decisions and doing the work and although I am not suggesting that you will catch twice as many pike , you will certainly catch some which a fast surface retrieve would have missed .
28 ‘ You are not suggesting that she might have been sacrificed in some demoniacal ritual , are you , Burney ? ’
29 I do not consider that it would help towards the solution of your Lordships ' present problem for me to discuss further the points which arose in Morris ( including the question whether it really is an example of theft ) or in the many other cases on section 1(1) which have occupied the anxious attention of the courts and the academic writers .
30 I 've already said this morning that the District Council does not consider that it can accommodate any further dwellings within the Southern Ryedale area without adversely affecting the character of the settlements that are already there , or compromising greenbelt objectives , erm , so therefore to meet the Greater York total , the District Council considers it essential that there is a new settlement to take that amount of housing that can not be accommodated within the Southern Ryedale area .
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