Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [pron] [conj] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Isa has not seen me since the happy news and it is that which restores me to near my old self . ’
2 Constance did not understand him but the last word , strangely rhythmic and warm to her ears , stuck in her mind .
3 Modigliani did not like her and the two often quarrelled .
4 The ‘ labour movement ’ did not like it when the working man felt he could get on unaided .
5 Even if the equation could be established , the beneficiaries are not the same or do not see themselves as the same : the patients paying two shillings for their bottles of medicine do not identify themselves with the patients admitted to hospital sooner or treated more efficiently .
6 He could not see her because the grey London light was all his end with a dab of amber from his desk lamp .
7 She did not tell me that the poor hungry children had to wash with ice in the morning , and walk through wet snow to sit for two hours with icy feet in a cold church on Sundays .
8 Not winning something since the mid-Seventies is a rubbish record for a club this size , ’ he blasts .
9 It does not escape me that a fair hand has already written some account of my early days ; but that account broke off too soon , for I returned from the realms of ice , to which solitudes my soul — if I may be presumed to have one — was attracted .
10 Though he was bound to give priority to Italy and to the Hellenistic East in his negative analysis of Roman rule , it did not escape him that the barbarous West was involved in the crisis .
11 They want homes , but they will not get them until a Labour Government are elected .
12 Normally , the time allotted will not exceed one and a half hours , but I propose to exercise a discretion to allow one or two debates to continue for rather longer , up to a maximum of three hours .
13 The unions would not accept it and the Labour government thus abandoned it .
14 In these early days there were various mottos : the first was to keep their eye off numbers , the second was to have fun , the third was not to recruit anyone and the fourth was not to defend themselves .
15 She did not delude herself that the light touch of his lips to her cheek on parting yesterday meant anything , and she hitched her bag on to her shoulder and walked to the door .
16 Just seems that it , it to me must be wrong , that it did n't identify them because a particular picture anyway , the reason why I find difficulty in making
17 and he could n't do it and the worse thing was everybody in the pool had gone go on
18 ‘ I do n't know ; I have n't seen her since the prime Minister arrived . ’
19 but mind you we had much worse a problem that day because we had two sets of sniffer dogs who did n't like something and the first lot that were in and did n't like something that we 'd
20 And anyway , I would n't like it if a male author did it with he .
21 Waistcoats or sleeveless pullovers sometimes worn with suits , though you could n't see them when the top button was done up .
22 It did n't surprise me that the other four male English writers who had been invited had changed their minds and stayed away .
23 ‘ And get rid of that ! ’ she clearly recalled hearing Naylor tell her — in fact , the way he 'd bellowed out the order , it would n't surprise her if the whole avenue had n't heard it .
24 ‘ Oh Tabby , ’ said Mildred , reaching up and tickling its chin , ‘ I ca n't take you or the whole school will recognize us . ’
25 He could n't stand your father and he ca n't stand you and the other kids being your father 's children , though he does n't mind you being your mother 's .
26 I ca n't tell you whether the national critics are being unnecessarily difficult or whether it is truly deserving of some of the harshest write-ups to be given to a film this year .
27 He knew himself to be a magical dropout , so it did n't bother him that the mere appearance of a hero at the city gates was enough to cause retorts to explode and demons to materialise all through the Magical Quarter .
28 Obviously , he liked to work amidst clutter , and it would n't bother him if a few pages were creased .
29 But they did n't change it because the only one of similar age available to them had been used in the previous match when Waqar took seven for 87 against Gloucestershire .
30 God knows how I did n't kill myself and the sheer of the whole thing was , it was n't even on the second floor , it was on the ground floor , they were just pulling a .
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