Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [verb] [adv] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 This is an old place , indeed a Roman place , as is known from an inscription which has been built into a chapel on top of the highest of the surrounding hills , and which is dedicated to a local Romano-Iberic divinity of the name of Herauscorritsehe , which can not have tripped too easily from the pious tongue .
2 Conditions were not so bad , however , that Pliny and his mother could not have got well away from the town into a safer region , but they were reluctant to leave because they were worried and uncertain about the fate of the elder Pliny .
3 But , surely , we can not have advanced so far from the socialist follies and delusions of the 1960s and 1970s , which all the world now rejects , to embrace them again under the banners of Mr Kinnock and Miss Glenda Jackson , Nupe and the apostles of Political Correctness , Mr Roy Hattersley and the heroes of a hundred town halls from Lambeth to Liverpool ?
4 However , I do not wish to stray too far from the motion .
5 The APB can not afford to retreat too far from its proposals without raising doubts about its effectiveness , yet the major audit firms ' criticisms of the two EDs are fundamental .
6 She found herself being slowly torn apart in her loyalties : on the one hand she felt proud to have been chosen as a wife by the head of one of the noblest families in Portugal , and she longed to start her new life ; but on the other , she could not help drawing back instinctively from what lay ahead .
7 They came from Rick Todd , a Canadian now making his home in El Paso , Texas — Trevino country — presumably because he studied golf at the University of Texas-El Paso and decided to stick around , although you ca n't help but notice that he could n't have settled much further from Canada if he 'd tried .
8 Members do n't tend to respond very well from that basis .
9 A lot of people say that you should n't hack young horses out on their own for months , if at all , but I 've always preferred the theory that if horses do n't learn to go out alone from the start you set up problems for later on .
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