Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [conj] it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The effects of the acquisition are not given since it is treated as always having been a member of the group .
2 It is not given when it is demanded .
3 I am not suggesting that it is proven that our motives , reasons and purposes are not themselves reducible to mechanically operating causal factors , as a fully determinist model would have it ; but if that is the case , we are so far from being able to specify these factors that they do not offer a model we can actually work with — as we saw in the discussion of positivist criminology in Chapter 2 .
4 The DPP will face one of 4 choices , not to proceed because of lack of evidence , not to proceed because it 's deemed not to be in the public interest , to issue a caution , or to sanction a prosecution .
5 But Lokata had not realised that it was treading on a defence secret .
6 ‘ I consider that in enacting the Damages ( Scotland ) Act , parliament did not consider that it was making any change to the right of parents to sue for damages for the death of a child who had sustained injuries prior to birth , had been born alive and had subsequently died in consequence of these pre-natal injuries . ’
7 Tense is not included as it was found too difficult to test within this framework .
8 it was an hour late , which it was late enough for us to not to know if it was coming , so we had to go and get another P A , otherwise we 'd have gone to get , there was no other option .
9 Troll flesh can not regenerate when it is burned .
10 Storing the worms is not recommended unless it is done under running water .
11 Burger smiled : ‘ But there will be very few who do not know if it is left to you , dear .
12 This was not pursued when it was realised that quite small countries like Ireland could become significant contributors .
13 Do not wait until it is clogged with fish waste and debris and therefore only working at a fraction of its efficiency .
14 Milk distribution would work in the same way in that as long as the milk is put into the system at one point , it does not matter where it is taken out . ’
15 Sapphire , the Black woman who is light-skinned enough to pass for White is pregnant by her White fiance ’ , but again the child does not appear as it is annihilated along with its mother .
16 So simply making up the calcium that astronauts excrete may not ensure that it is laid down properly in new bone .
17 This was because these changes required the approval of Congress , which was not granted because it was controlled by opposition parties .
18 I used to view the European Community as being an economic and political bloc confronting the East and COMECON , and that is why I did not believe that it was uniting Europe .
19 He could not believe that it was wavering now .
20 He still could n't entirely believe it , In the sense that he could not believe that it was happening to him , that he was so vulnerable to such a common , almost hackneyed feeling .
21 She did not believe that it was going to change the world or that every minute detail was worth the drama and emotionalism that the others seemed to want to pour into it .
22 It does not follow that it is binding .
23 Once a suitable disinfectant is in use resistance will not occur if it is used correctly .
24 Now it is standing at a huge sum , growing rapidly , and it is still not going where it is needed ’ .
25 Now they are exchanging information right away , and not waiting till it is published two years later in a scientific journal . ’
26 It should be noted however , that LIFESPAN RDBI will NOT terminate if it is applying indexes when the specified transfer time elapses .
27 When we turn to that most distinctive feature of cave organisms , regressive evolution , we can not decide whether it is caused by selection or genetic drift ; nor can we settle whether allozymic variation is due to selection or drift .
28 The origin of platelet activating factor released by the pancreas stimulated with caerulein is not known but it was shown earlier that caerulein and cholecystokinin are capable of increasing the incorporation of labelled acetate into platelet activating factor in the isolated pancreatic lobules and to increase the synthesis of this phospholipid .
29 The inventor of the German action is not known but it was used in a square piano signed ‘ Gottfried Silbermann , fevr. 1749 ’ This piano is more likely to have been made by Johann Gottfried Silbermann ( 1722–63 ) rather than by his more famous uncle , Gottfried ( 1683–1753 ) .
30 Answer guide : The land is normally not depreciated as it is assumed not to wear out .
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