Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] get " in BNC.

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1 I do remember that I left a sort of note for my family telling them not to worry because I 'd got a good job and I might not be in touch for a while , but then it all gets kind of overlaid with a memory of a headache like you would n't believe , and shock at being connected to all these horrible machines and — ’
2 Training a bird of prey is definitely not recommended if you 've got a weak stomach and a house-proud mother !
3 I could not believe that I had got my first job .
4 The consultant arrived and said not to push as he had to get changed .
5 you 're not feeling that you 've got lots of little isolated subjects and lots of little isolated topics and it 's all building up and it 's all a lot it is a lot ,
6 which I could n't find today did I not in the actual end approved version does it not say that I 've got the tape and people fixed
7 You might be able to do the odd one but I do n't think that you 've got the time , I mean bear in mind you 've gone from four to three to two there 's two of you now supervising all of us if you tell me you 've got spare time then great , and you want to do one or two equally great , however unless you tell me to the contrary
8 And I do n't think if you 've got it out of the Guilds and say now we 've got to have so much for the rent this week I do n't think I would have a Guild very long , because they can go round the corner .
9 So it 's like that without , I mean , with Carla , I mean , you ca n't you know , you just ca n't think when you 've got ta I mean she would have been bored and she would n't have looked at the gifts .
10 So I did n't think because he 's got pressure , with the baby situation , that he 'd go .
11 I do n't know that I 've got any ambitions that way although you never know , do you now , what they say there 's many a good tune played on an old fiddle I thought you was going to say old women do n't , older women do n't appeal to me , but what about the one who raped me when I was thirteen ?
12 And I do n't know whether they 've got with the I do n't know whether they 're wide enough that way
13 Now , I hope I 've got these facts right and I 'm sure that not , that Eileen may correct me that er we have er forty hundred pounds in the budget , budget for this er the erm South Wales congregation has , has kindly erm given us grant of a thousand pounds and I understand from the secretary of con , Cardiff congregation , and he 's also offered a thousand pounds I do n't know whether we 've got that yet ?
14 I do n't know whether I 've got her phone number .
15 I do n't know whether I 've got any money in the bank dad !
16 I , we 're not , I do n't know whether you 've got , we could say we were activists , we do n't , I do n't even know who goes on a march or anything , but we do do our best for anything we support and get signatures for anything they ask us to .
17 Erm yeah I certainly would encourage you down that path Miss Whittaker that if it helps , I do n't know whether you 've got all the documents , but in our our submissions to the county we suggested that if E two has to survive erm and to add the words , sorry , exactly as you started the sentence but finishing that the exceptions were areas of the sites allocated for development in local plans , it would seem to me to make it absolutely clear what the freedom of local interpretation was in the statutory plan process whilst giving the county the the that it wanted on all the other areas of the county .
18 Now I did n't know whether you 've got an exhibition unit or something ?
19 Yeah the next customer , I do n't know whether you 've got Steve
20 Then there 's the lending it out problem , where presumably people say ‘ can I borrow this stuff ’ and they just sort of walk off with it and you do n't know whether you 've got it all back , and you find a few weeks later there 's a lead missing .
21 I get another star , thing is he does n't actually , I can remember them cos he can read them , I do n't know whether she 's got them wrong for the test it 's a bit of a really is n't it eh ? come on
22 They , you know , at the back of us they 've blocked up the fences but I do n't know whether she 's got it right , I do n't know .
23 further to that , I do n't know whether anybody 's got a recent notice of coding , I did .
24 Ooh I do n't know if we 've got any classics in there .
25 Welcome along to the show then , going Italian tonight er , do n't know if we 've got any Italian music planned for you , erm but we 'll wait and see shall we ?
26 ‘ I do n't know if they 've got wind of Owen 's accident — but , unfortunately , their timing is perfect ! ’
27 yeah and er I would n't mind the extra width , I do n't know if they 've got that size in though
28 now , I do n't know if they 've got them ones in here , what they got in here I wonder if my husband will remember to get me one this year ?
29 I do n't know if she 's got cold water or tropical
30 do n't know if you 've got it in here or not , it does n't look as if you have , but you will need public liability insurance .
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