Example sentences of "[adv prt] when we [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was really down when we got disqualified at Ascot , but she put it all right in the Eclipse . ’
2 That shop that we went in when we had to go down stairs .
3 Council put the central heating in when we got advanced in years and when it became necessary in the doctor 's opinion for me to have central heating because I had a heart complaint .
4 And be about five or six of us left then , and we were just getting ready to get off when we got hit by the second big blast , which caused most of the burns to all of us then .
5 We should probably give them back when we 've finished with them .
6 They 'll be back when we 've recovered from this one ( unless , of course , there 's another election in May . )
7 Later on when we had returned to the daylight offensive with the 8th Air Force , escorted by hundreds of fighters , could we go searching for oil .
8 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
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