Example sentences of "[adv prt] as [pers pn] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It jolted up the lane , slowed down as it came out into the open area in front of the quarry gates , and stopped .
2 The lorry-driver jumped down as I leapt out of the mini and ran to the black car .
3 The stimulus of the Commander 's benzedrine tablets was wearing off as he swam out to sea after three hours ' creeping and sliding around the beach , and now , his senses dulled by a chilling exhaustion , he felt the first pangs of doubt : would Roger Courtney see the flickering torch among the waves before an enemy patrol boat caught sight of it ?
4 A gasp would go up as she got out of the car , looking very pale and ill .
5 Wade through them , swinging it from left to right in a figure of eight and yelling like mad , forcing them back as you break out towards safety like a samurai in the Tokyo rush hour .
6 I remember too the suppressed terror I felt one Saturday morning when there was a daylight raid over London and a swarm of black flies appeared in the blue sky and seemed to come on and on as we looked out of our house high on Hampstead Heath .
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