Example sentences of "[adv prt] on a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The spider came down on a thread in front of me while I was driving .
2 He jotted the three names down on a slip of paper with a gesture of finality and picked up the internal telephone , stabbing out the number for the code-room .
3 The second cell ( 82c ) contains a moaning , naked Orc chained down on a bed of nails which rip the boil-infested flesh on his back .
4 I 'd also taken stock of just how deep the ravine was a yard or so to my right — on a previous visit to this rocky Brecon summit I 'd looked down on a pair of RAF Tornadoes streaking through on a high-adrenalin exercise .
5 Nor are folk expected to doss down on a pair of planks across the bath .
6 Burun sat down on a pile of cushions on the floor , and settled himself to wait .
7 As soon as his hands were free , Huw ducked away , retrieving a shirt and jersey that had been flung down on a pile of beer-crates , saying over his shoulder : ‘ Look , I 'd better be pushing off .
8 Write it down on a bit of paper , that 's a good chap ! ’
9 and Ken we used to write it down on a bit of paper who had what and who owed what and
10 Tell you what I 'll write it down on a bit of paper what page it 's on
11 I like to think there are n't many tricks I miss , but I have to credit Sorrel in that she did write it down on a scrap of newspaper without saying ‘ in case of what ? ’
12 It 's merely recording the words we use are taken down on a scrap of paper context I do n't but used .
13 In 1944 our Lancaster of 57 Sqn , piloted by Flt Lt Bulcraig was shot down on a raid on Revigny , Northern France , killing the pilot , Bomb Aimer Fg Off Robson , Flt Eng Sgt Gale and W/Op Sgt Loughlin .
14 That has been done to death by ex-managers and ex-record companies who use a list of about two dozen tracks which they write down on a sheet of paper , cut them up and put them in a hat , and whatever order they come out in that 's another album .
15 If you were to write down on a sheet of paper half a dozen simple statements of fact which were either true or false and then turn the questions face down , the pendulum will come up with which are which . ’
16 Write the letters of CHRISTMAS down on a sheet of paper , then try to think of as many things as possible to do with the Christmas season which begin with each of the letters .
17 We 're all talking as if migration can be manipulated and a share between housing for migrants and housing for local need can be er arranged by us planners according to the numbers we write down on a sheet of paper .
18 Place the cake tin base down on a sheet of paper ( double thickness if necessary ) , and draw round it with a pencil .
19 He went and laid the limp creature down on a tuft of grass near the fold to let its mother lick it .
20 A LONE woman driver says she waited six hours to be rescued by the RAC when her car broke down on a motorway at night .
21 Hundreds of teachers and academics have been murdered , the UES has been closed down on a number of occasions by the army and the UCA subjected to bomb attacks .
22 She flushed angrily , refusing to back down on a point of principle .
23 Likewise , when the Pavements and Mercury Revs farted around in their peculiar padded cells , the thought of getting hip to sway the record buying masses was way down on a list of priorities filled with stuff like , uh , paying the rent and , dur , making music for the hell of it .
24 And that was exactly my remedy for him earlier this year when , face down on a bench in Augusta 's locker-room , Olazabal shielded the grief of failure in the US Masters .
25 A body did n't change if it had been blasted with an automatic weapon in a robbery on Lenox Square or gunned down on a sidewalk in Athens .
26 It was the first time in Israel 's 41-year history that a government had been brought down on a vote of confidence .
27 Simon and Marian laid him down on a couch of deer-skins .
28 Jot down on a piece of paper the names of three people whom you are close to .
29 If coaching were simply a matter of putting down on a piece of paper 10 points to improve , we 'd all be world beaters .
30 Towards the end of each session when clients are setting themselves homework tasks , make a point of writing down on a piece of paper , in specific terms , what it is they are supposed to do .
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