Example sentences of "[adv prt] a [noun] and [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 But then , if a lot of rabbits were afraid of some newcomers and wanted to deceive them — get them down a hole and attack them — they 'd start — would n't they ? — by sending someone who was plausible .
2 The volume of consumption should be adjusted by altering taxes and social insurance contributions , raising them to dampen down a boom and cutting them at the beginning of a depression .
3 ‘ But I overhear people 's conversations , and sometimes I 'll get off a bus and follow them if I 'm interested ; or I 'll stand beside people pretending to be looking at something or reading , but actually listening to them .
4 The tide had n't covered the pebbles yet , so I took up a handful and lobbed them at the bottle .
5 ‘ One or two of these mushrooms are deliquescing already , ’ Rodney picked out a couple and put them in a plastic bag .
6 Maurice snatched out a pile and loaded them on to the reeling Edward .
7 Well I think what I 'll do yeah is like when they 're trying to clean my window I 'll open the gu and shoot er open the window yeah and I 'll get out a gun and shoot them .
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