Example sentences of "[adv prt] there [conj] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So I went along there cos I thought if she was painting the children will be frozen and nothing to sit on and no
2 I said well it 's up to the teachers , I said , you ca n't expect me , I mean if there was if he was picked on I would go down there but I mean if he 's being naughty then it 's up to the teachers to sort him out
3 Just trying to think whether there might be somebody up there that I know that has one .
4 so it looks like you 've got future there , then you go trot trot trot trot trot trot trot trot back now you 've got something slightly different there here you had der der der der der you said okay , future , then you went back there and you found that it was a present tense in English , right , but you needed a future in French because the whole thing is future .
5 I mean , I 'd like to do the things that , my hobbies , but I go out there because I care and I see that I feel that it 's necessary to , to actually stop these people tormenting an animal for fun and if I 'm that concerned about animals , I 'm not gon na stoop to hurt a horse , or or the hounds !
6 He went out there and you see and , and they drink wine instead of tea .
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