Example sentences of "[adv prt] with the [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 During these past ten years , he had learned a great deal about his stepfather 's business ; not only did he trudge the streets collecting money , which he then took to the bank after it had been religiously recounted by Luther , but he was the one who made all the entries into the ledgers ; he was the one who always met with accountants and reported back to his stepfather , who constantly grumbled that he was ‘ too ill and racked with pain' to weigh himself down with the burden of meetings and ridiculous men in ridiculous suits , with their ridiculous ideas that a man should always invest the money he earns with the sweat of his brow …
2 Acceptance , dependence or rejection will therefore be inextricably tied in with the preservation of areas of activity which have given self-esteem , which are associated with a particular role function , which confirm the old person as the sort of person he or she wants to be .
3 Contributing factors include a very dry , hot summer which helps the algae to flourish , along with the residue of pesticides from farms and effluent from factories which , although greatly improved in modern times and now controlled , have left a residue on the loch bottom which still caused problems .
4 ‘ You poor young things , ’ said Corbett Farraday ( Physics , Chemistry , and anything vaguely in that line ) who was flapping his overgrown boy scout 's body along with the mass of teachers , and now looked around at them with his unnaturally innocent expression .
5 Along with the mass of plants and flowers , there is still room for tables and chairs and a small barbecue .
6 Publishers now accept novels which are composed of a series of short , interlinked stories , novels where prose narrative alternates with poems and — perhaps most interestingly — the epistolary novel has been resurrected , along with the novel of fragments , where every page contains a separate ‘ statement ’ that is linked to every other statement through place , character and feeling .
7 Along with the variety of texts , we find many conflicting attributions .
8 This will again be our aim in the current year along with the enhancement of profits from a greater pooling of resources between businesses .
9 Much to my shame I knew nothing of the Cambrian Railways as most of my interest up to then had been in the Southern Railways and to a greater extent industrial railways , and so decided that much research was necessary , which along with the commencement of renovations will form part of our next episode : - ‘ A NEW STATION IN LIFE ’ .
10 Regional conflicts — along with the proliferation of missiles and nuclear , chemical and biological weapons — present growing dangers .
11 Along with the growth of towns went the rise of the merchant class .
12 Paragraphs thirteen and fourteen recommended that the Government should immediately buy the parts of the site of the offices shown on the competition plans that it did not already own , along with the block of buildings between King Street and Parliament Street .
13 De Klerk was now able to claim that there was no longer any justification for violent protest , in view of his invitation " to all leaders who seek peace " , along with the lifting of restrictions on political groups , which he said now placed everybody in a position to pursue politics freely .
14 Work experience will provide the opportunity for personal and social development of the student along with the underpinning of skills covered in the core and optional modules .
15 The record card for such a client was scribbled over with the comment of dealers : " He 's about to buy a house ; has no funds ; he 'll see how the shares he already has do ; he 's going in for Rolls Royce , so has no money ; he 's still waiting for share certificates — once these have arrived he will think about further investment . "
16 Suppose we start off with the class of animals .
17 And some self education goes on with the help of computers .
18 They would not have pressed on with the kind of arguments they actually did use , probing the statute , obsessed with the question whether one decision was more consistent with its text , or spirit , or the right relation between it and the rest of law .
19 Much the same thinking goes on with the directory of Members ' Interests .
20 It is known that he wished to stay in the Government and would have liked to have pressed on with the reform of prisons .
21 The world will applaud , and rightly press on with the lifting of sanctions .
22 By all accounts , William senior was not easy to get on with the turnover of partners in the early years of the practice was rapid , until he met his match in one Major Faulks in 1905 who not only outlived him , but stayed with the firm as a consultant until 1965 when he finally retired — at the age of 90 .
23 Its life is bound up with the achievement of tasks or programmes , and is realised through them .
24 There is also considerable evidence that even people entitled to , for instance , free glasses , must still contribute significant amounts to the cost , because the value of the benefit has not kept up with the cost of glasses .
25 I stretch up with the bundle of sticks , thread and cardboard fairies ( or angels or whatever they 're supposed to be ) .
26 A vast bulk of political time was taken up with the importunacy of subjects : petitions for an office or a wardship or a lease of Crown land ; begging letters for pensions ; suits for a pardon ; requests for the Crown 's help in a law-case .
27 This was the earliest technology in which power was derived from sources other than animal muscles and the output was so obviously superior that men did not mind putting up with the inconvenience of machines which were uncomfortable or awkward to use .
28 Apart from encroachments on Western-held territories , the trend in Japanese strategic thinking made it inevitable that the crisis in East Asia , resulting from the China War , would become closely tied up with the course of events in Europe .
29 This shows that faith , obedience , and belief are all intrinsically bound up with the cultivation of emotions that are appropriate to the truths we profess to believe .
30 Drawn up with the assistance of experts from eight North Sea countries , An Assessment of Human Hazards to Seabirds in the North Sea , gives an overview of the past and present hazards to North Sea birds , predicts future population trends , and recommends ways of restoring the natural balance of the seabird community .
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