Example sentences of "[adv prt] in [adj] [noun] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Though the morale of the Party faithful had been temporarily resuscitated by Hitler 's rhetoric , it is clear that rhetoric alone was no longer sufficient to restore the confidence of the considerable sections of the population who had only superficially been won over in previous years by the magnitude of Hitler 's seemingly undeniable ‘ achievements ’ and who had suffered irreversible disillusionment since 1941–2 .
2 All this is set off in grandiose fashion by the wide pearl binding .
3 They were set up in close succession by the Secretary of State for Scotland to study the curriculum ( Munn ) and assessment ( Dunning ) in the third and fourth years of Scottish secondary schools ; they kept in close touch with each other throughout their deliberations ; and they presented their reports with complementary recommendations at the same time .
4 Another material used for guttering is aluminium , which is sometimes joined with silicone or butyl-based sealants and sometimes put up in long lengths by the supplier .
5 Sartre 's argument for History as totalization , then , was already caught up in interminable difficulties by the time he was drafting Volume II of the Critique in 1958 .
6 When these new factors are brought out by the informant the interviewer can then follow them up in more detail by a simple prompt , such as ‘ Tell me more about what happened when the old vicar died and this new man came who fell out with the schoolmaster . ’
7 Thus Communist parties were functioning in the major Latin American countries by 1923 , and had been set up in most others by the end of the decade .
8 Secondly , this is not a comparative evaluation of different models of service , since the standardised diagnostic assessment carried out in this study by the research psychiatrist is not the same process of assessment that occurs in domiciliary visits performed by psychogeriatricians in more traditional services .
9 One of the most important changes brought about in higher education by the Education Reform Act was the removal of polytechnics from local authority control and their conversion into independent institutions in much the same position as the universities .
10 Before we proceed to the changes brought about in this system by the Yorkist and Tudor sovereigns , certain general observations must be made about medieval administration .
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