Example sentences of "[adv prt] and [verb] [pron] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 On this occasion he strode in and slapped his son on the back and shouted , ‘ Well my boy , your father feels he 's in for another great money-making day today at the garage !
2 Hannen Swaffer — revered almost as the Bernard Shaw of left-wing journalism — used to blow in and write his piece on the corner of someone else 's desk .
3 Then my father went in and put his headstall on and led him out .
4 There she sat down and put her head on the desk , with her arms over it .
5 Hari sat down and put her basket on the floor , pushing back the white cloth , she was well used to the way Cleg and his wife carried on , it did n't mean a thing .
6 Morse sat down and rested his forehead on his right hand .
7 He leaned over and kissed his daughter on the forehead .
8 Since then the Romans , vandals , Moors , Normans , English , Byzantines and French have all fought over and left their mark on these pretty islands .
9 Say , for example , ‘ You remember when you fell over and hit your head on the door — well , that 's how Jimmy felt when you just hit him . ’
10 Killion got out of bed and went over and rested his brow on the cold glass .
11 Mr Churchill came over and put his hand on the King 's arm .
12 Watching every movement , and she put him on and put his blanket on the ground and he was laying there in his handful of this and so she said come to me then and she put something on the floor she said well you know you go to it , I ai n't gon na give it to you and he 's she said well no , you 've got ta try !
13 Odd , thought Willie , but he shrugged it off and hung his mackintosh on his peg .
14 Ellie leaned up and kissed her brother on the cheek , then she put both hands on his biceps .
15 The big firms swelled up and joined up and spent their money on rubber plants for the office and new offices for the rubber plants — and , most of all , on themselves .
16 He went up and clapped my master on the shoulder .
17 So I get up and pull my dressing-gown on and head down to the cold , dusty lobby where the phone is .
18 After setting up and completing their work on the beaches , on 10 July , No 6 Beach Group was dissolved .
19 Friends considered him so depressed during this period that they were even beginning to think the unthinkable — that he might give up and turn his back on society and all its ills , and do what he would have really chosen to do with his life : be a country squire .
20 Claudia jumped up and put her hand on his , snatching it away as her nerves reacted as if she had touched a live wire .
21 Jean , elegant in his cloak and three-cornered hat , strode up and put his hand on the cold brass door-knocker … .
22 ’ ’ I 'm sure I 'm going to leave the ground and float up and hit my head on the ceiling , and all the time the voices are call ‘ DO IT DO IT DO IT … ’
23 Then Bjorn Again say ‘ thanks ’ in accents that make them sound like the chef out of The Muppet Show , and an Australian voice tells us to hurry up and spend our money on tickets for their next gig in Manchester , which , due to overwhelming demand , is happening next week .
24 Unconsciously she reached out and laid her hand on his arm , wanting in some way to offer comfort for a pain that was still hurting despite the passage of time .
25 She reached out and laid her hand on his arm , and beneath her fingers she felt the corded muscle clench .
26 Morthen reached out and rested her hand on her brother 's face .
27 Then he reached out and placed his hand on her hip .
28 ‘ Let me put it another way , boys , ’ their father said , sitting back and wiping his mouth on his hand .
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