Example sentences of "[vb -s] that it [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He adds that it is not in the traders ' interests for the elephants to die out .
2 Beattie concludes that it is only during the hesitant phase of a speech cycle that the clause is a major unit of speech planning .
3 Though we threaten her with a headline reading ‘ Real Labour candidates do n't eat muesli ’ she insists that it 's not for her own consumption .
4 Mr Delors insists that it is up to the pontifical authorities to check that everything is above board .
5 The Council declared that the Church of Christ is to be found here , but it no longer says that it is not to be found anywhere else as well .
6 The site already has a licence for waste disposal , but Leigh says that it is now considering the future of the site .
7 He says that it 's not worth staying on if the place is going to be wrecked .
8 No it just says that it 's basically to the effect of that the answering machine is quite reliable
9 Pointing out difficulties is a very common behaviour but is one of the riskier ones because research shows that it is far from certain how people will take it .
10 The example of the a-ray microscope shows that it is far from clear how these two worlds could be juxtaposed without subverting and contradicting the very quantum theory they were invented to explain .
11 Hitachi Ltd has put a tiger team from its Network Products Group in Silicon Valley on developing local network-based multisystem electronic mail products , hoping to have them all gussied up in time for a third-quarter roll-out : Hitachi reckons that it 's on to a good thing because veca : International Data Corp predicts the worldwide market will be 77m users in 1996 ; Hitachi is expected to make a point of integration , management and directory synchronisation likely using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol .
12 As this suggests , the appeal of such a tune could be seen as a ‘ leftover ’ , an ‘ echo ’ of a bygone era of craftsmanship ; and Adorno recognizes the possibility of this — indeed , he acknowledges that it is precisely in popular music that the category of the ‘ idea ’ ( a relatively independent , memorable element within a totality , a phenomenon more or less abandoned by ‘ serious ’ music ) lives on , and with it a sense of creative spontaneity ( Adorno 1976 : 34–7 ) .
13 Kelly ( 1955 ) notes that it is only by being attuned to repetitive aspects in the monotonous flow of life that sense can be made of the world .
14 Now , Woolwich having won that litigation , the revenue asserts that it was never under any obligation to repay the money , and that it in fact repaid it only as a matter of grace .
15 That was the 1988 development value but the state of London 's housing market means that it is probably worth only half that today — and Chelsea is naturally reluctant to pay .
16 But the abnormally dry soil means that it is not until late January that the ground becomes saturated enough for the rainfall to start percolating through to the aquifers .
17 The reference to ‘ Eventually ’ in the last sentence implies that it was only after a commendable period of restraint that horses were ordered in .
18 But then this theory confesses that it is completely at a loss as to how the image can possibly be received by the brain .
19 Now in Katsikas the Court has asserted that the Directive does not require the employee to take advantage of the transfer provisions if he or she decides that it is not in his or her best interests to do so .
20 The philosophy maintains that it is up to you to take initiatives and through so doing to refuse to be bored .
21 The Mirror has been beset in recent weeks with rumours and reports that it was about to be taken over .
22 When others urge caution for electoral reasons , he argues that it 's not worth being in government if you ca n't do the things you believe in .
23 And far from showing that the couple is going out of fashion in France , he feels his research demonstrates that it is still at the centre of people 's dreams .
24 Somewhat like Storr he suggests that it is only in overcoming such psychopathology that effective creating can occur — an uncontroversial conclusion but one that scarcely illuminates our understanding .
25 His comment suggests that it is almost as if , when someone woke up in the morning , they were suddenly possessed of something mysterious in becoming conscious , like a metaphysical virus .
26 We do n't know exactly how long ago the common ancestor of cows and peas lived , but fossil evidence suggests that it was somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 million years ago .
27 While as early as Elizabethan times crime chap-books were published to give news about recent crimes , Wagner suggests that it was only toward the end of the seventeenth century that a diverse crime literature appeared .
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