Example sentences of "[vb -s] a [noun] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each nodule has an opening into the gut through which the eggs reach the lumen .
2 Les Worsley , Labour group leader at Rochdale , Lancs , wants an inquiry into the allegation .
3 The noise startles a duck into the air .
4 Furthermore , it introduces a circularity into the argument : working class writers are defined as those who manifest a consciousness appropriate to the working class .
5 The establishment of a new academic library often affords an insight into the way collections measure up to such standards as exist .
6 The winning design projects a needle into the sky from a circular cylinder which tapers to the ground .
7 The word opens a window into the debate raging in their hearts as they doubted .
8 In regard to other levels of stylistic affinity ( e.g.the substantial group of which the North Hill ( B and C ) mosaics and the High Wycombe mosaics are a part , or the sequential group of " fully centralised circular or radial designs " — of which every pavement here , but the High Wycombe pavement , is a part ) , it also offers an insight into the significance of particular tastes and trends for the development of the craft as a whole .
9 Although still widely read , more especially in the United States , as a satire on ‘ the emptiness of capitalist philosophy ’ ( to quote from the blurb on the binding of a recent edition ) , the book in fact offers an insight into the development of civilized societies of particular relevance to the social orientation of modern archaeology .
10 In this context My Secret Life , with its vivid anecdotes describing sexual liaisons between masters and servant girls , offers an insight into the situation in which the opportunity for temptation , seduction and rape was often pervasive .
11 Whacks a tape into the cassette recorder .
12 In the other the Lapith 's left hand must have been gripping the Centaur 's head ( lost ) while with his right he thrusts a weapon into the breast of the creature , who yet will not let go of his prize with either hand though with both hers she tugs at one .
13 They play weepies like ‘ Fernando ’ and every smoker present hoists a lighter into the air .
14 It lets an outsider into the family .
15 He told you himself he moves a mattress into the boathouse on such occasions .
16 If , therefore , an old person at this stage moves a distance into the son or daughter 's home , they may not only lose a lifetime of familiar associations but they must struggle with complex adjustments within the family .
17 If nothing is agreed about notice , the common law implies a term into the contract that it can be brought to an end if ‘ reasonable notice ’ is given .
18 Once the school librarian or teacher has mastered the simple stages of switching on the different parts of the microcomputer , e.g. to set up the BBC microcomputer , the user 1 ) Plugs in the computer , the disk drive , the monitor and the printer 2 ) Switches on the microcomputer , the disk drive , the monitor and the printer 3 ) Puts a disk into the disk drive 4 ) Types in a command on the microcomputer s/he will be able to use programs for different applications such as database creation or word processing and the applications are covered later in this book .
19 A slight deviation from the walking stance quickly puts a student into the taekwondo fighting stance , in which the body is slightly inclined to present less of an open target and the fists are held high as in a boxer 's pose .
20 Measurement of head size and length at birth gives an insight into the timing of growth retardation during intrauterine life .
21 Not only does that provide a common bond among humanity to evolve spiritually , but it gives an insight into the nature of a God who often reveals Himself in paradox .
22 Roger Wade , co-owner of the Boxfresh label and now handling UK fashion sales for the Carhartt brand gives an insight into the emergence of workwear : ‘ For probably two years there were only really bits and pieces of names like Carhartt being worn — it was a very small thing , but it was being worn by the right people .
23 Springbok great , TOMMY BEDFORD ( 1963–71 ) , gives an insight into the power struggle between the different governing bodies within the South African game .
24 Abraham 's prayer gives an insight into the quality of his relationship with God .
25 This section gives an insight into the method of software production and modification that the use of LIFESPAN is designed to achieve .
26 I mean , you know how it feels at the dentist when he puts an injection into the roof of your mouth ?
27 Wrote screenplay for The Public Enemy , based on his own novel Blood and Beer , including the scene where the character played by James Cagney pushes a grapefruit into the face of his girlfriend .
28 It imparts a bias into the constitution as there is a permanent Conservative sympathy .
29 As well as explaining the remains visible on the site tour , this guide provides an insight into the way of life of the various inhabitants : Neolithic , Bronze Age , Iron Age , Pictish , Viking , Norse/Medieval farmers , fishermen , craftsmen and part-time warriors , all are set into historical , geographical and social perspective .
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