Example sentences of "[was/were] too [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 None of the females in the family could help in that direction ; we were too poor for such richness .
2 He was , along with ( Sir ) Charles Arden-Clarke and Edward ( later Baron ) Twining [ qq.v. ] , one of the ‘ young guard ’ of governors , carefully picked by the Colonial Office to replace an older generation like Arthur Richards ( first Baron Milverton ) and Sir Philip Mitchell [ qq.v. ] who , in the eyes of such architects of decolonization as ( Sir ) Andrew Cohen [ q.v. ] and his master , Arthur Creech Jones [ q.v. ] , were too rooted in pre-war attitudes to adapt enthusiastically to the new spirit of social engineering and transfer of power .
3 Talented Hughes and ex-North Wales county team member Preston from Prestatyn were too strong for professional coach Arwyn Pierce of Ruthin and his young partner Danielle Morris Jones of Rhyl , running out straight set winners at a cost of six games .
4 Its 55-seat SR.N6s , built in the mid-1960s , were too noisy for modern ears .
5 Charles III 's reforms improved the quality of the imperial civil service while denying to the creoles a share in the system — perhaps because , as Floridablanca maintained , creoles were too enmeshed in local graft to be trusted .
6 The interaction of intense laser light with certain gases can produce extreme ultraviolet radiation , but the windows needed to keep the gas contained would absorb it , some ingenious ways were devised to amid windows , but they generally were too cumbersome for practical use .
7 But they will just as surely have died because they were too weak in political muscle to be able to fight back .
8 Strings of pack-animals ( up to thirty per string ) carried bulky loads when the distances involved were too great for cumbersome carts , or the job too urgent for river transport .
9 Even at this early stage of motor car development the LNW built special vans to convey its rival ; the carrying trucks designed for horse-drawn vehicles were too small for modern cars .
10 He also considered buying a castle in the Borders and converting it , but all the available properties were too distant from any population centres or local infrastructure of any significance .
11 Even when the forms of such things as halberds or hoe-blades were rendered in jade they were too delicate for functional use .
12 But the intervals between Forest Eyres were too long for effective control .
13 The right thought we were too soft on primary school children , who should be expected to speak and write Standard English as soon as they arrive in the classroom .
14 When cancers did respond , radiotherapy was particularly useful in dealing with secondary growths which were too widespread for surgical relief .
15 We were getting very good trainees from Southern Ireland , but they were too busy with actual nursing .
16 Europe and the Commonwealth were too dependent upon American power to risk separation .
17 It was created for a group of mums who felt their babies were too old for new mums but not yet ready for the rough and tumble of open houses .
18 The dark eyes that swept over her were shadowed by heavily mascara-darkened lashes which contrasted with the white teeth gleaming from behind brilliantly red lips which were too thin for real beauty .
19 Harold Hughes , the director-general of the UK Offshore Operators Association , said that the measures were too complicated for immediate analysis .
20 Baldwin thought Astley was too far to go for weekends , and he was too poor at that stage to rent a Home Counties house .
21 ‘ Jonathan did well enough in business , but he was too easy in other ways .
22 He began work as a mining engineer in Lanarkshire and applied to Alexander Hamilton Douglas , tenth Duke of Hamilton [ q.v. ] , for permission to open a new mine on his land , but was refused on the grounds that he was too young for such responsibility .
23 After investigating the gaunt , rather eerie ruins of the old observatory it was too dark for further exploration and I retired to the Lochaber Club refuge hut for supper .
24 But it was too late for second thoughts .
25 The local RCM committees followed up in the wake of evacuation , but this was too late for orthodox children arriving at their billets on the evening of Friday , 1 September .
26 Only later , when she was in love with him and it was too late for common sense to qualify her feelings , did she learn more about him .
27 It was too late by this time to stop the presses rolling , and the first editions had already been despatched .
28 The Armstrong chairman , Roy Watts , said the Caparo bid was too low by any standard .
29 Indeed , when the film came out in 1971 , it was preceded by a clever advertising campaign suggesting that release had been delayed because the makers felt the movie was too dangerous for general viewing .
30 Forrestal was a believer in the theory that it was too dangerous for atomic weapons to be manufactured and stored in the United Kingdom , where they could be overrun in a Soviet invasion of Western Europe .
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