Example sentences of "[was/were] look for [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 We were looking for a bird in brown and white breeding plumage .
2 The wild bohemianism of the life at Kisling 's was stimulating and hectic but a drain on Modigliani 's limited energy and he was looking for a change in his life .
3 An advertisement had appeared on one of the university noticeboards saying that Benghazi University in Libya was looking for a lecturer in engineering .
4 Nobody had heard of Rosie O'Dell ; I was looking for a needle in a haystack . ’
5 When the young Alfred Hitchcock was looking for a studio in which to learn the craft of filmmaking , it never occurred to him to knock at the doors of Samuelson 's Worton Hall or Stoll at Cricklewood .
6 He was looking for a gap in the net which enclosed him and his men .
7 She would have no trouble in finding a tenant for the cottage ; already Simon Clifford , a neighbour , had approached her on behalf of an acquaintance of his who was looking for a place in the area .
8 If someone was looking for The Bar in those days — because there was no name written up or sign for it , no lights at all , and not even a number on the door , Madame liked to keep it that way even when she did n't have to any more — I mean when she opened up we may all have been in a sort of hiding , and not many people knew about The Bar and our life there , but it was n't that way later , and now you know we can have lights and advertising and you see boys queueing up outside every night , very public , and I like to see that — but in those days , in those days if somebody arranged to meet you for a date there , and it was their first time and they were n't sure how to find us , you 'd joke with them , and you 'd say well first there is a wedding , and then there 's a death , and there 's the news , and then there 's us ; meaning , first there 's the shop with the flowers , the real ones , and next door to that is the undertaker 's with the fake flowers in the window , china , all dusty ; and then the newsagent 's and magazine shop , and then right next door to that is The Bar .
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