Example sentences of "[was/were] one of the [noun pl] in " in BNC.

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1 I was one of the pillarists in the Nelson case and only wish our column had been one of more magnificent dimensions .
2 He was one of the pioneers in opening up archaeology to everyone , both through his books and through radio and television appearances .
3 The ATB needed to do more to make farmers aware how training was one of the cogs in a wheel of progress that included advisory services , banks , accountants , marketing organisations , etc .
4 So , I think that was one of the strands in the course of Resources ' decision , that er , we should look and cast the net around again , just to see if there were any way of erm , of finding this six hundred and seventy one thousand without damage to the fabric of services .
5 They all had miseries , it was one of the things in their family .
6 Keeping their heads well above water was one of the teams in the Flogas Raft Row in aid of Mencap and the Northern Ireland Hospice .
7 Dedication to the job was one of the factors in the break up of Mr Souness 's marriage .
8 Love was one of the realities in life and he went for it .
9 As Time was more devious than scientific orthodoxy would have us believe , so was reality still open to question , since Time was one of the terms in its equation .
10 But maybe he did see Rosa run heavily for the door of her home ; maybe he was one of the men in the cafe who knew , who corroborated Tommaso 's insult later with their laughter , and made it impossible for Davide to ignore it and fail to issue his challenge .
11 The former English Amateur Champion , who was one of the heroes in the winning Walker Cup team at Peachtree , missed the cut in his professional debut in the German Masters and won just 1395 in the Swiss Open at Crans-sur-Sierre , but , at Walton Heath , he finished in a tie for sixth place alongside Scotland 's Ross Drummond to win £11,375 .
12 I read Naomi Robert 's article ( Endpiece 209 ) with interest because in a way I was one of the characters in the drama she narrates .
13 Fascinated by the possibilities of wire broadcasting , he was one of the founders in 1931 of Rediffusion , the name of which was suggested by him .
14 Sam first made the headlines with her 38-inch bust almost 10 years ago when she was one of the winners in a newspaper beauty contest .
15 Chaucer 's pilgrims travelled only a short distance from London to Canterbury , but to embark on a pilgrimage was one of the ways in which an ordinary citizen of the Middle Ages could travel abroad .
16 This was one of the voyages in which the men of science were in charge , in that the point of the expedition was scientific ; often there had been frustration among scientists on voyages because the captain 's instructions , or his interpretation of them , did not let him stay at interesting places as long as they would have liked , or put enough boats and crews at their disposal .
17 Steve Griffin from Swindon was one of the drivers in the winning car .
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