Example sentences of "[was/were] a [noun sg] that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was a door that led to the servants ’ staircase .
2 ‘ It was a position that needed to be articulated , ’ says Mr Lawrence , ‘ and I agree with him .
3 It was a shed that wobbled in high winds .
4 It was a christening that seemed to hunger for significance .
5 It was a generation that had to be brave and now did not know how to be peaceful .
6 It was a craft that evolved into an art form , as they attempted more and more ambitious shapes in a widening range of materials .
7 It was a question that seemed of crucial importance .
8 Moomintroll and the Snork Maiden feel the first flutterings of love and , for once , we are offered a complete family ( the Victorian habit of removing one , or both , parents was a convention that survived into Ransome 's time ) .
9 It was a story that began in sadness , but came out well — the story of herself .
10 And the young man said it was a buffalo that lived on his farm .
11 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour was a church that contrived to be acutely uncomfortable under all climatic conditions .
12 Still more alarmist about the flow of skills and knowledge into the IT industry from the country 's research base was a committee that reported to the Department of Industry a couple of months ago .
13 The establishment of a secure air-reinforcement route was a problem that had to be solved by the Air Staff in conjunction with the Foreign Office .
14 An episode which attracted particular concern was a strike that occurred at an obscure photo-processing plant in North London , the Grunwick works .
15 It was a day that abounded in peculiar traditions .
16 ‘ Gordon is an established professional who has represented his country and played for his clubs with distinction and we took up his case because we felt it was a slur that needed to be removed . ’
17 If this meant there were potential conflicts between research and pedagogy , that was a price that had to be paid .
18 Less than a year later the Technical Vocational Education Initiative ( TVEI ) was announced , and this , though still organized by the MSC , was a scheme that started with pupils at school , in the last two years before their compulsory attendance at school came to an end , and continued until they were 18 .
19 Er , failure to produce his driving licence failure to produce a test certificate for the vehicle and failure to produce his insurance documents and what Mr says in respect of er , those three offenses is that er , the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before er , he had never er no , known that that was a procedure that had to be followed and in the circumstances he did n't pay any attention to the print on the H R T er , one form that was issued to him and he did n't produce the documents .
20 And what Mr says in respect of er those three offences is that erm the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before , er he had never er known that that was a procedure that had to be followed .
21 And it was a record that came to be seen and recognised by the local electorate , in particular the newly enfranchised women , not least through the efforts of Labour candidates to exploit it to political advantage .
22 It was a line that began with the excavation work at the Heavenite observatory and her first trip in the TARDIS ( how could you forget the TARDIS ? ) , continued with a confused recollection of pointing a gun at the Doctor in a tunnel somewhere , and ended on Sakkrat ( Sakkrat ?
23 ‘ It was a lad that sneaked on board .
24 Food may not have become a weapon , but the failure of Soviet agriculture to meet its peoples ' demands was a wound that contributed to the collapse of Soviet power in the second half of the 1980s .
25 The risk that the others would use them to get a political voice was a risk that had to be taken .
26 I had meant her to laugh , but instead she frowned as though my happiness was a puzzle that needed to be understood .
27 Rent was a charge that had to be met first , although midnight ‘ flits ’ to avoid paying rent were common among the very poor and not unknown for the artisan in temporarily reduced circumstances .
28 And it was a belief that to cut at the roots with small scissors would make a difference , because it would have a cumulative effect and that 's why I think we can do it in our own society .
29 It was a tenet that lay at the roots of his later reputation as the over-cautious general , later still as a pessimist , and finally , a defeatist .
30 It was a task that nagged at her , the mere thought of it causing a furrow to crease her normally smooth brow .
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