Example sentences of "[was/were] a [noun] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 People were most conscious of how far they were from their family in times of crisis , when someone was sick or dying and they were a couple of continents away separated by a long slow haul by boat and train .
2 ‘ There were a couple of stains here he wanted us to get rid of .
3 There were a couple of diggers far out .
4 If you were a couple of minutes late , you had to go down and see the superintendent .
5 But , or because same thing like it were a couple of years ago , with finances .
6 There were a couple of people already in there , sitting at a table near the counter .
7 There were a number of walkers now , all taking their time and drinking in the view , but the chap at our heels had now resorted to breaking away from his party to try and close the gap so obviously gnawing at his soul .
8 There were passages to Italy and Greece , various trips to Tunis and Algiers , with calls at a number of smaller North African ports , and there were a number of voyages considerably farther afield to West African ports , mostly small , as far South as the Gulf of Guinea .
9 Although it was at a high altitude and windswept , she created at Bankshead a garden full of her favourite wild flowers , which were a source of inspiration both for her painting and her writing .
10 The book read as though it were a collection of notes rather than a single document .
11 There were a lot of fights anyway , most of them were over jealousy about friendships , also over tobacco .
12 There were a lot of holiday-makers currently in Heymouth , as it was an extremely popular resort .
13 Hall replied that there were a lot of wagons outside and that it looked as though some men were to go to Long Kesh Detention Camp .
14 Now that , that Street with , with , from two hundred yards of it there 'd be nine , nine terraces each with twenty four houses in each terrace within this two hundred yards so there were a lot of people closely knit together and er there was quite a lot of unem unemployment , quite a lot of poverty .
15 There were a lot of people there , from a number of boats . ’
16 There were a lot of people there , rich people in their best clothes .
17 There were a lot of people there who felt seriously about what they were fighting for but people went there for a good fight really , they had n't been able to show any aggression for the last two years .
18 There were a lot of cars now and a lot of lights in the building .
19 And then the Stevedores , there were a lot of Stevedores here belonging to Stronsay .
20 By the time I got to the smithy there were a queue of horses halfway down the street , all waiting to be roughed .
21 They were a sort of club rather like a football club .
22 His sons were there and so was a concourse of knights so huge that it reminded men of his Coronation .
23 Warning that he would not be so lenient in the future , Mr Peter said it seemed to him that there was a warning for operators here generally , if they decided to go to a tachograph analysis agent .
24 In the branch of the Banco dell'Annunziazione a girl , whose face was a mask of disappointment nobly borne and from whose carmined lips dangled a cigarette miraculously balancing a tube of ash , clattered calculations as she stood before an upright typewriter and , in less time than she had expected , Molly was in possession of a mound of hundred thousand lire notes .
25 So that was a benefit to people outside and people inside the church .
26 It was a lack of confidence basically .
27 Rebellion was a mark of achievement more than a sign of weakness .
28 I thought there was a bit of naughtiness there .
29 There was a bit of silence then .
30 Four hasty pints before the pub closed at two saw Charles through lunch , and there was a bit of wine too .
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