Example sentences of "[was/were] the [num ord] time [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was the second time the teacher-turned-comic had been hit by car vandals .
2 This was the first time a company had been invited to give a product demonstration at the centre and were keen to present the merits of their product .
3 A man accused of raping his wife has been cleared by a jury at Sheffield Crown Court ; it was the first time a man in England had been charged with such an offence .
4 It was the first time a man in England has been charged with such an offence .
5 It has been suggested that this was the first time a summer pavilion had been adapted from a Greek temple .
6 It was the first time the brewer had advertised on TV and the landmark was not lost on Guinness .
7 That was the first time the Hound appeared , my sons .
8 This year was the first time the competition had taken place in England .
9 It was the first time the church authorities had discussed the issue of the refugees , some 25,000 of whom have entered Hungary from the south over the past year .
10 It was the first time the monarch had ever used a Thames passenger ferry — and one of the few occasions when she had arrived at an official engagement by public transport in the UK .
11 It was the first time the state 's highest court had debated the point and was widely welcomed by accountants .
12 It was the first time the company has been prosecuted for a hygiene offence .
13 Did n't Cloughie get done for doing something similar a few years ago when he chinned the Forest fan who 'd run on the pitch ( later kissed him but brought out one of the all-time commentators classics from Greavesie when he said ‘ It was the first time the shit really had hit the fan ’ ) .
14 This was the first time the impunity of the police had been challenged in Guatemala .
15 This was the first time the meeting had been held in Asia , and representatives of the 25 American countries participating — including Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori , who was of Japanese parentage — reportedly regarded the meeting as an important forum for encouraging Japanese trade and investment links with the region .
16 It was the first time the Communicator of the Year presentation had left London and the first time it had been staged as part of the annual convention .
17 This was the first time the phrase Scenic Land Cruise had been used by a train operator — but it certainly was not the last .
18 Philip Head , Chief Executive of the WDA , said it was the first time the agency had been asked to source Welsh suppliers for a company based in Germany and resulted directly from the WDA campaign to build business links with the motor regions of Europe .
19 It was the first time the 25-year-old has been able to speak about her ordeal since she was found early on Friday morning after being abducted from near a disco in south Dublin .
20 It was the first time the city had unseated an incumbent mayor since 1943 .
21 It was the third time the boy had tried to get past him , and , as before , he seemed surprised by the old man 's quickness ; shocked that , whichever way he moved , Tuan Ti Fo was there , blocking his way .
22 It was the third time the hospital had applied for a government grant for the unit .
23 He must be more patient and brace himself up to realise that he was the only person who could tackle the present chaotic state of affairs , ' This was the fourth time the King had told MacDonald that he would not accept his resignation .
24 On 26 June he records shooting a wattle-cheeked honeyeater ‘ on the ranges near the Upper Torrens ’ ; he ‘ killed a Bittern on the 1st July near the Murray , above Gleeson 's Station ’ ; collected red throats ‘ about forty miles north of Lake Alexandrina ’ ; spotted a white-eyebrowed pomatorhinus ‘ near the bend of the river Murray ’ ( perhaps it was this remark that led some to guess that it was the great west bend to which Gould referred ) ; and shot a pink robin in ‘ a deep ravine under Mount Lofty ’ ( this was the last time an example of this species , Petroica rodinogaster was seen in South Australia , although one or two reliable observers said they had seen specimens in the area many years previously ) .
25 When was the last time the game 's robber barons made a decision of their own free will to improve the lot of the supporter ?
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