Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] to be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Another factor was the legendary cautiousness of Franco , for whom slow progress and sure gains were always to be preferred to unnecessary risks .
2 His comments were useful because they provide us all with the opportunity to see what the Opposition have in mind and the approach that they will take in the run-up to the next election and if they were ever to be elected to government .
3 If the lead were ever to be sold to radiation detector manufacturers it would raise more than the £24000 it has cost to salvage the hull .
4 In later law , however , a testator would have had no need to concern himself with this , since a rescript of Severus and Caracalla introduced the rule that , failing evidence to the contrary , dispositions charged on the heir were also to be understood to be payable by a substitute .
5 Yugoslavia and possibly Albania were also to be invited to the meeting , although neither was a COMECON member .
6 Although Futurism succumbed to the ravages of the First World War and its surviving adherents were later to be put to flight by Mussolini , many of its observations and its leading artists , such as Severini , Picabia , Boccioni and Balla continue to inspire the main stream of modern art .
7 But who were there to be marketed to ?
8 ‘ Mr Ward said that this was only to be given to his wife in the event of his death , ’ the solicitor said .
9 We do n't know for certain but it was probably to be given to you on your arrival . ’
10 My exposure to the energy and subtle abilities of my Subud brothers in Java had so ignited my optimism and sense of wonder concerning our hidden natures that I had wangled my way into Lancaster University 's Department of Comparative Religion to write a doctorate on transformational consciousness , in a field which was later to be referred to as psycho-anthropology .
11 Nasser was also to be compared to Mohamed Ali , with his efforts to modernise Egypt and industrialise his economy , Ahmed Arabi , leading an earlier nationalist uprising , and Zaghlul , al zaim , with his popularity among the Arab masses .
12 He was often to be referred to as a modern pharaoh by Egyptians when he was in power ; and in particular the High Dam at Aswan was spoken of as Nasser 's pyramid .
13 As far as the conditions of voting were concerned , the 40s. freehold vote was to be retained in the counties , but in the boroughs the vote was everywhere to be offered to the £10 householder , the man who occupied — either as owner or tenant of one landlord buildings of an annual value of £10 .
14 The meaning of the October Revolution was then to be explained to anyone who bothered to turn up .
15 The land was then to be restored to its original owners on the payment of its value in installments .
16 Certainly , the claim was there to be used to Edward 's advantage .
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