Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adj -er] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 However , John Merrill has qualified this assessment by pointing out that Rhee himself encouraged many independents to stand because of the weakness of his own political organisation ; while a reverse for Rhee , his position after the election was rather stronger than it appeared to be .
2 The nation had also become economically and demographically stagnant : heavy industrial production lagged behind Britain and Germany , nearly a third of people still lived off the land , and in 1940 the population ( at about 40 million ) was little larger than it had been in 1900 .
3 The ground fire was much worse than it had been that morning .
4 Either the building was much bigger than it looked , or he was now on some wide underground level without having gone down any steps , or — as he was beginning to suspect — the inner dimensions of the place disobeyed a fairly basic rule of architecture by being bigger than the outside .
5 Her step was much lighter than it had been the previous day , but when she saw that her inquisitor was n't the Obersturmfuhrer , her heart sank .
6 In Wilson 's eyes the condition of the British seaman was scarcely better than it had been half a century earlier .
7 Between 1984/85 and 1988/89 the tax ratio fell very slightly , but in April 1989 it was still higher than it had been when the Conservatives took office .
8 188 ) was largely ineffective , and at the beginning of the 1980s , the length of the network was slightly greater than it had been in 1964 , despite proposals in the interim ( usually tied to credit agreements with the World Bank ) to consider for closure several thousand kilometres of route .
9 Visibility on the water was slightly better than it had been on land — there were no hummocks , and somehow night never seems quite so dark at sea as on land .
10 It was also larger than it had looked from outside .
11 The marsh-mist was far denser than it had been last night , and there was nothing solid to give direction anywhere .
12 The sky was now brighter than it had been earlier in the evening .
13 As they drew nearer to the damage and she could see that it was even worse than it had looked from afar , Ronni felt herself recoil at the very thought that her own brother could be responsible for such a thing .
14 It was there that she saw the man lying on the plastic strips of an off-white metal reclining chair beside the pool , which was undoubtedly smaller than it had looked in the photograph .
15 France 's diplomatic successes had made little impact on English opinion , and English military leadership was markedly weaker than it had been during the first phase of the war .
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