Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Who were the country gentlemen who were so put out from pursuing their time-honoured pastime ?
2 The results of Box and Hale show that for post-war England and Wales , unemployment and imprisonment were positively related even after allowing for variations in other factors .
3 In previous years many overseas publishers were probably put off from coming to London by the fact that not all the major players in British publishing were represented at the fair .
4 Tests of significance for intervention effects were then carried out by taking the ratio ( χ 2 /df for the intervention effect ) / ( χ 2 /df for the interaction between school and interventions ) to yield an approximate F statistic .
5 Hundreds of Western tourists were again turned away at crossing points in the Berlin Wall yesterday as East Berlin remained sealed off to all but those with regular visas for the fourth day running .
6 THE SCOTTISH Commonwealth Games selectors were heavily criticised yesterday for naming a team of just 18 athletes for the Games in Auckland early next year .
7 One Sunday I was so fed up with living on Kit Kats that I called my mum .
8 The company was compulsorily wound up after trading for 10 months with a deficiency of around £150,000 .
9 A SOLDIER was critically injured yesterday after driving the wrong way down a fogbound motorway .
10 Following worldwide use of the oral vaccine , 's time was largely taken up in visiting various countries around the world and action as an adviser to the polio vaccination programme .
11 On her return she was promptly plunged back into teaching by Caroline Little , and at present she is working as Caroline 's assistant in her Classes for the Elderly .
12 One woman with this problem , whose rather self-absorbed elderly mother used to keep her on the telephone for hours with doom-laden conversations , solved it by telling her that she had developed migraine which was always triggered off by holding a phone to her ear for more than a quarter of an hour at a time !
13 This was then immediately scrubbed onto a piece of scrap paper until the charge of paint began to run out ; at that point a thin scumble was quickly put down by stabbing with the brush tip onto the background colouring .
14 He was probably fed up with having to sleep four to a bed .
15 He was probably mixed up in disposing of the pictures stolen in that big robbery from the Duke of Suffolk 's place , and there 've been other things .
16 Jones already faces the RL disciplinary committee tomorrow night , as he was later sent off for punching Gary Tees .
17 Richard William Dunn , 39 , of Vine Street , was also bound over for obstructing a police constable .
18 Newbridge substitute Stuart Griffiths was also sent off for stamping against Pontypridd , just six minutes after coming on .
19 Islip was sent off after bringing down the goalkeeper Iremonger ( they were ‘ probably two of the most hot-headed players in the League , ’ said the Examiner ) , then Mint of Notts County was also sent off for attacking Smith .
20 The map was also verified experimentally by digesting a spanning subset of 40 YACs with NotI ( 10 ) , and comparing fragment digests with inferred order of YACS from the hybridisation data .
21 This defect was ingeniously got over by developing a hardener which could be painted by itself on to one half of the joint while the glue was painted on the other half , nothing began to happen in the glue until the two halves were brought together .
22 THE Department of Transport was severely criticised yesterday for failing to apply proper sanctions against contractors who have cost taxpayers £70 million through poor workmanship and inadequate supervision of nearly 130 roads and bridges built since 1970 .
23 The rest of the room was mainly taken up by filing cabinets and the desk behind which Himmler sat , working through a file .
24 Mr Pozsgay was simply fed up with playing second fiddle , a characteristic that was to re-emerge later .
25 Often the glutton in Diana got the better of her and she was frequently told off for dipping her fingers into pans filled with gooey sauces .
26 He was actively involved both in obtaining money and materials and in ensuring that work was actually carried out .
27 When I first saw her black and white photographs using animal parts compiled into a series of hunters ' trophies , I was certainly put off from visiting this exhibition .
28 He added : ‘ I was never engaged either in supplying or use of explosives or arms .
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