Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [art] place " in BNC.

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1 These were mainly performed at the places where parts of the body of Osiris were reputed to have been found or buried , which are recorded in an inscription at the late temple of Hathor at Dendera — at Athribis ( heart ) , Busiris ( backbone ) , Memphis ( head ) , Abydos ( head ) and so on , some duplication being apparent .
2 She wondered what had been the use of all that trying to get clean on the train if they were now lost in a place where nobody would ever find them , not even when something happened and they disappeared for ever .
3 Provided that the proprietor shall not be entitled to the protection of this subsection unless , at the time when the property in question was brought to the hotel , a copy of the notice set out in the schedule to this Act printed in plain type was conspicuously displayed in a place where it could conveniently be read by his guests at or near the reception office or desk or , where there is no reception office or desk , at or near the main entrance to the hotel .
4 I was so struck with the place that when I came back to Le Court I told John that he ought to go there for a visit .
5 In truth , I did n't want to quit United if it could be avoided , I was totally hooked on the place .
6 There was a torn squab cushion on the top and it was traditionally used as a place to dump coats , scarves and gloves .
7 A brief greatness was now conferred on the place , when the Popes found it an island refuge in their struggle against the Empire : Count Pierre of Melgueil bestowed the county and bishopric on SS Peter and Paul and Pop Gregory VII in 1085 , Pope Urban II graciously granted it back as a fief for a mere annual ounce of gold , and in 1096 , on a visit , astonishingly declared the church ‘ second after that of Rome ’ , with arms of the two
8 It was the lesser clergy who frustrated the king 's attempt to smudge the distinctions to his own advantage , so that by 1322 parliament was virtually eliminated as the place to raise clerical subsidies , and convocation was no longer summoned by the offending writ .
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