Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Adam said he did n't , he meant myopotamus , which in turn meant coypu that were presumably now in the process of being exterminated , whereupon Mary burst into shouts of anger and distress , calling him a cruel beast and an enemy of ecology .
2 • Independent Television were most recently at the ELR to film background scenes for the Aussie bodice-ripping soap , Families .
3 But the conditions and the pay were long since beside the point .
4 Two hundred years ago it was those recipes listed under the heading of creams which were much more like the fruit fools of today .
5 They were much more like the nuns than were my fellow-countrywomen and co-religionists .
6 The policeman 's job was to count the knobs and report that they were all right in the morning .
7 The sides were only just above the water , and often the water came in .
8 But one of the ironies of life in the border districts was that it also produced Poles who became more German the more nearly they were incorporated into the Polish state , and Poles and Jews whose political opinions were so far to the right that only their ethnic , religious or national identity stood between them and the Nazi Party .
9 Zakrevskii 's political opinions were so far to the right that he thought the Moscow Slavophiles were dangerous subversives ; his antipathy to modernization led him to deplore not only the construction of new factories in Moscow but also the expansion of old ones .
10 We were so far behind the group that King Hussein got us permission to fly the pipeline across Saudi Arabia ; the group which did not have the same permission had to backtrack to Luxor , before crossing the Arabian Peninsula .
11 In 1980 Davis and Dean Martin were together again in The Cannonball Run , a star-studded comedy headed by Burt Reynolds and directed by Hal Needham .
12 They were just slightly under the weather .
13 At the interval MIS 1 were just ahead of the posse by one point .
14 Where we were just now with the research then talk about questionnaires .
15 Chile 's external tariffs were already well below the levels which the Mercosur countries contemplated in their initial cuts .
16 They were already well within the shield zone and , had the barge been hostile , it could have inflicted untold damage .
17 The signs were already there on the campuses , particularly in the capital , that ‘ something ’ would happen sooner or later .
18 More than a hundred Unionist MPs were usually away from the House on military service , and 125 Unionist agents served in the trenches ; the party organization was used in the war effort at no cost to the country ; every local party was decimated by volunteers who joined up in the first rush ; and at every level , the number who joined up was more than matched by those indirectly involved through recruiting , raising money , running war charities or breeding remounts .
19 During the 1950s and 1960s , Plan forecasts for business investment were always well below the outcome .
20 When Elsie had to retire for health reasons , we were once again without a teacher but Hilda Lodge and Eleanor Pitman helped out and then Joan Gatfield , a leader in training , decided to do some training with us .
21 At any rate by 1775 work seems to have been discontinued , and the following letter to Moore , created the impression that the mines were once again on the market .
22 Things , in other words , were once again in the condition of being other than what they seemed .
23 Vicky and I , although occasionally playing roles that had something to do with the ( slight ) story , were more often in a group ( Country Maidens , Serving Wenches , even Coiffed Nuns … ) .
24 Most of them it 's been questions of rather less fundamental changes in the actual teaching style in the classroom and sometimes it 's been a question of concentrating on rather different kinds of things or giving more time to one kind of activity than another , or changing the pattern of assignments that they gave children , or things that were still well within the capacity of teachers to change without involving sort of fundamental changes in teaching style .
25 We should , of course , widen the context even further for , if in the movies preaching usually came hand in hand with melodrama , this should remind us that films were still firmly in the hands of showmen and they were free to use social comment and social settings as they thought best .
26 In 1945 the public arguments were still largely about the nature of a ‘ free press ’ .
27 She woke up in bed with a man with a red beard , but from the snide remarks and sideways looks of those fellow guests who were still there in the morning gathered that he had not been her only partner of the night .
28 The will also showed that her father 's lifetime savings , which fortunately were still safely in the bank , had also been left to her .
29 Take-off time arrived and the oil temperatures were still somewhat below the criteria , but I opened the throttles and very shortly the tail was up and I was heading down the short runway into a brisk headwind , pointing straight for the little pub outside the camp that had become a second home for us .
30 He had a moment — it was more than a moment , it was minutes together — when he wanted to cup a hand around her head and for all that they were still almost in the street , open his trousers and feel her tongue lap him and her lips close on him .
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