Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Wood , whose films were so far away from the mainstream that they did n't even make it as C-movies , was responsible for Plan 9 From Outer Space and Glen Or Glenda , a transvestite special in which Wood appeared in several parts … male and female parts .
2 ‘ The speed with which some of the incidents flared up suggests , in fact , that the kids were not sitting indoors , but that they were already out there on the streets — often bored , resentful and waiting for trouble ’ ( ibid.:46 ) .
3 Michael Banks , who by this time looked terminally tired , seemed to have lost the knack of timing which he had so laboriously achieved the day before , and so his lines were once again all over the place .
4 She waited until they were once more outside on the pavement before rounding on him .
5 She considered that women photographers were still very much outside the college system , and that there was little evidence of any change .
6 International organisations , though on a bread-and-butter level becoming from the 1860s rapidly more important and active , were still very much on the fringes of conventional diplomacy .
7 According to Philby later , the FBI were still very much off the scent .
8 Malta 's Wellingtons were also out again during the night of 10/11th. , seventeen H.E .
9 The electricity companies were almost universally ahead in a very mixed market .
10 On the other hand , the Liberals were undeniably out there in the country , and it would be electorally suicidal to have two smaller centrist parties fighting for leadership of the middle ground .
11 Okay well do n't worry do n't worry he ca n't you know just think of something though having said that if you look at the role that you played in the group moving towards the chairman 's style , taking over the group perhaps becoming and you were n't a person that sort of took over and forced your views on everybody but you were certainly up there at the front with and listening to people taking information and manipulating everything that you had to fit what was coming in from everybody so that does show Chairman 's skills , Chairman tendencies
12 The other end of the rope was somewhere up there in the blackness .
13 He prayed that hope was somewhere out there in the city tonight , and that it might come into his heart , and scour him of his doubts and confusions ; a light that would not only burn in him , but would spread throughout the Dominions , and illuminate the Imajica from one end to the other .
14 It was cold that early in the morning , with a sliver of moon hanging among the stars .
15 There are better-engineered cars than those made by Citroen in Paris and , for a while , in Slough , but there is no mass-production company that was so regularly ahead of the research- and-development pack — from the 5CV in the '20s , with its coil ignition and its removable cylinder head , onwards .
16 In fact , she was so far ahead of the majority on points that she could afford to let up a bit .
17 For while his victory certainly overturned the basic tenets of any horse race — he won because he was so far behind at the crucial moment — still he gained that victory by adapting to the circumstances which had suddenly presented themselves , by his jockey 's quick and skilful manoeuvring by his jockey , by jumping accurately and by keeping up his gallop to the end .
18 And it was basically long ago in the Well in me mother 's day , there was the herring fishing , it was a busy time then .
19 I was only down there at the Spinners ’ , but I did n't get to her in time . ’
20 If this reading of Ali is correct , it would seem that simply in terms of his daily allowance the kasabat kadi was better off financially at the beginning of his career than the new muderris ; but in any case , given the fees the kadi could expect to receive , he must have had a considerably greater income .
21 The drive wound through tall trees and bushes , creating the impression that the house was much further away from the road to Abbotsfield than in fact it was .
22 but crash-landed unhurt and was soon up again in a new aircraft .
23 If she had thought him attractive before , he was devastatingly so now in the black evening suit .
24 At the age of nine Fred was already very much like the man he was going to be at thirty-five or forty .
25 He was just out there on the Strip telling the first lady how he wants to get to know her , and the second , and hoping out loud that both of them do n't mind about the third : ‘ Because I want to get to know her , too .
26 It had been a wet , raw winter , with the ground waterlogged and streams running high ; but at least there had been little snow and the hill passes were open , which was just as well for a journey to mid-Annandale .
27 Nevertheless , the unfashionable explosion of popularity was just as well for the Kiwi growers of the world , unlike those previously mentioned victims of a passing fad , the madras cotton producers of India .
28 Whitlock was the master of patience ; nothing ever seemed to rile him , which was just as well considering the simmering tension between Sabrina and Graham .
29 While working on the two biker films and his one sentence in The St Valentine 's Day Massacre , undemanding as they were , Nicholson was also writing another film script for Corman who was once again ahead of the field in latching on to the latest craze sweeping through the world : the children of the post-war baby boom were coming out to play and nothing could stop them now .
30 He was always up early in the morning .
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