Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] or [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The training committee continued to advise the training officer , but all real initiatives were overturned or dismissed by the management committee .
2 Though it was shot on a strict schedule , not in the looser manner of its two predecessors , some scenes and lines were improvised or contributed by the actors ; for instance , Rhodes 's last words to the zombies as they eat his guts , ‘ Choke on ‘ em ! ’
3 Previously existing fascist groups , which had been oriented towards Italy , were bullied or out-organized by the BUF which followed German Nazi example in becoming increasingly anti-Semitic .
4 Cases were won or lost on the facts , not the law . ’
5 Fishing vessels registered in the register of British vessels under the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 were owned or managed by the applicants , companies incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom and their directors and shareholders , most of whom were Spanish nationals .
6 At the same time we should also keep in our prayers all those who died , were injured or bereaved in the Hillsborough disaster .
7 Although many of the town 's historical records were plundered or destroyed during the Reformation in an effort to erase Popish imagery , Dunfermline as a See of St Andrews would have followed closely that town 's model .
8 The west Siberian Tatars of the Khanate of Sibir were subjugated or dispersed among the steppe nomads , but the presence of the latter ( particularly the Kazakhs and Oirats ) obliged the Russians to maintain fortified ‘ lines ’ in the south for over two hundred years ( see Chapter 3 ) .
9 Most of the original dwellings were built or rebuilt under the aegis of the Everingham estate , owned by the Constables who married into the Norfolk family .
10 Like mustard gas , the nitrogen mustards caused blisters when they came into contact with skin , and they damaged many other tissues when they were absorbed or injected into the circulating blood .
11 When District Officers were eventually allowed into the field they were watched like hawks by their senior officers for signs — an indication , it was said , of inaptitude or inexperience — of running things too directly , and promotions were made or denied on the extent to which they seemed , in the words of the Resident , Adamawa , to be ‘ imbued with the true spirit of Indirect Rule ’ .
12 The basis of the Directive is to fix in a general way the criteria for assessing the unfair character of contract terms taking into account , in particular , whether the relevant term was individually negotiated , the relevant strength of the bargaining position of the parties , whether the consumer had an inducement to agree to the term , and whether the goods or services were sold or supplied to the special order of the consumer .
13 After last summer 's trouble 's at Blackbird Leys some roads were narrowed or treated with an anti-skid surface .
14 You could even press the flowers that were worn or used at the event and then use them as the decoration .
15 One school did , however , keep a record of which children and classes were brought or sent to the library and in which subjects , but these were not analysed ( until the evaluators analysed them ! ) and again did not discriminate between use of project and use of non-project purchases .
16 Over the weekend of 21/22 September 1985 , for example , 60 protesters were arrested for wire-cutting at Molesworth and a further 55 were arrested or reported for the same action at RAF Sculthorpe .
17 The bottom and topsides were payed or stopped with a putty like composition .
18 These were followed or interspersed by a windswept Starmer-Smith standing on the touchline , microphone in hand , sporting a selection from his extensive wardrobe of scarves and neckties , and promising delights which were sure to come next week but which had unaccountably failed to materialise this week .
19 This he might find in the service of a bishop ; for many bishops in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming to have large staffs of young clerks , who learned the business of ecclesiastical administration and rose to be canons or archdeacons , or were seconded or translated to the royal service .
20 TYNE AND WEAR : A party of North-East firefighters fly to the Ukraine this week to visit a museum in Kiev dedicated to their foreign counterparts who were killed or injured in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster .
21 A party of North-East firefighters fly to the Ukraine this week to visit a museum in Kiev dedicated to their foreign counterparts who were killed or injured in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster .
22 The dangers for teachers in war zones of being identified with the government were exemplified by the fate of numbers of ‘ popular teachers ’ who were killed or kidnapped by the Contras .
23 The Coventry , Ardent , and Antelope were all sunk ; many Welsh Guardsmen , waiting to land , were killed or maimed in an air assault on the Sir Galahad at Bluff Cove .
24 The image of hope which had thus arisen in Williamson 's mind was soured by the reality of his second obsession : the sheer horror of his experience on 1 July 1916 , when 60,000 British soldiers were killed or wounded on the first day of the Battle of the Somme .
25 Radio Lebanon reported on Aug. 24 that a number of civilians were killed or wounded in the subsequent SLA barrage , during which , according to some sources , regular Lebanese soldiers ( deployed in the south since July — see p. 38360 ) clashed with SLA fighters .
26 It would be a breach of the first principle if the data subject , or data provider , were deceived or misled about the purpose for which the data were obtained , held , used or disclosed .
27 I doubt whether our predecessors in this place before 1914 thought that the powers of the House were compromised or undermined as a result .
28 About two thousand other veteran communists were also executed , while hundreds of thousands were imprisoned or expelled from the party .
29 The application is made to the judge if the judgment or order was given or made by the judge and , if not , to the district judge ( Ord 37 , r 2 ) .
30 For in each instance the problem of expansion was solved or evaded in a different way , and produced as a result towns with very different characteristics .
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