Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] as [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Both Greene and Cloke were jeered as they passed the post and cries of ‘ cheats ’ greeted them as they rode their mounts back to the unsaddling enclosure and were hauled before the stewards .
2 His musings were interrupted as he reached the latrine .
3 Clinton Manning , who works for the Birmingham Evening Mail , was stopped as he put the £17,582 Rover 220 turbo through its paces .
4 John McLeish rose to go but was recalled as he reached the door .
5 It was stoned as it reached the Bogside ; Catholics clashed with the RUC ; and the Bogside Defence Association erected barricades .
6 A FRAIL pensioner died of shock after he was mugged as he fed the pigeons near his home .
7 The woman was attacked as she left the Yarm Road branch of Barclay 's Bank at 11am , yesterday .
8 The 20 year old student was attacked as she used the women 's toilets near the Martyr 's Memorial in the centre of Oxford .
9 Mr Cordle was applauded as he demanded the abolition of standing charges for pensioners on gas , electricity and telephone bills as a first step towards helping them .
10 Maybelle , face ashen , was transfixed as she watched the Tunstalls leave .
11 Daisy , 57 , of Hindon , near Salisbury , Wilts , was hit as she walked the dog to a nearby village .
12 On the final day when Anlec fell Mentheus was killed as he led the assault .
13 Amelia Earhart — American heroic pioneer in aviation whose plane was lost as she attempted the circumnavigation of the earth .
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