Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [conj] [noun prp] [vb past] in " in BNC.

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1 Judge Sirica 's doubts were confirmed when McCord admitted in March that the defendants had lied at the trial , that they had received payments of over $200 000 to keep quiet and that this had been done from a high level in the White House .
2 Mr. Collins said that once it was accepted that Lautro operated in the public domain in the public interest , then certain consequences had also to be accepted .
3 In October 1537 , a son was born but Jane died in the confinement Henry remained without a wife until January 1540 , when he married Anne of Cleves , a German princess , but that marriage was dissolved without being consummated , so on 28th .
4 The entrance foyer was packed when Georg sidled in that evening , hoping that no-one would see him and recognize him .
5 On leaving the Service in August 1935 he spent several months looking around and also being looked at by the family of the lovely Ly , his Swiss wife , a scrutiny which was reciprocated when Ly had in turn , to be looked at by the swarm of Bennetts in Brisbane , Australia .
6 No formal agreement was signed but Bazin said in a letter to OAS Secretary-General Joao Baena Soares on Sept. 3 that a meeting with Aristide was an " unavoidable solution " to the constitutional crisis .
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