Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [conj] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now three of her fingers were broken and stuck out at strange angles .
2 Fortunately , journalist Brigid McConville was available to help tussle with the almost impossible task of distilling up to 1,000 pages of transcript and even more pages of documents into eight sides of pithy words , all of which were edited and made up into camera-ready artwork at the inquiry itself .
3 The Dwarfs inside Kislev attempted to break out to help Magnus but they were contained and forced back behind the city 's walls .
4 Questionnaires and check sheets were designed and sent out to internal users of the system , clients and other Wood Group sites .
5 His clients were treated well , and were respected and pondered over by him .
6 The patients studied were seen and treated up to 3 hours from the onset of symptoms .
7 The sawmills were built and fitted out by Sir Marc Brunel , father of Isambard Kingdom Brunel ( q.v . ) .
8 Pieces were collected and laid out in what was thought to be their correct positions .
9 The first is the period of oral tradition when the stories of Jesus were used and passed on by the Church .
10 That was discovered especially during the South African war , when a number of university graduates were commissioned and sent out to South Africa , and it was found that they singularly lacked an ability to act in an officer capacity .
11 Sections were dewaxed and taken down through graded alcohols ; endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked by incubating the sections in 3% hydrogen peroxide and methanol for one hour .
12 Form criticism examines the way in which the traditions of Jesus were preserved and handed on in the time before the writing of the Gospels .
13 The names of the gold winners were not known until the judges ' scores , which had been sealed , were opened and added up on the night .
14 Many young people like myself who were born and grew up on the flat albeit slightly rolling prairies , sometimes feel a yearning for the mountains and the sea , and I was no exception .
15 Both were born and grew up in the East End of Glasgow .
16 The definition ‘ Bangladeshi ’ refers to infants whose mothers were born in Bangladesh , and the few mothers who were born or grew up in Britain .
17 Yates is still struggling to recover from a serious knee operation that cost him his place as County were relegated and missed out on a lucrative ticket to the Premier League .
18 They handed people , patients , on to each other , they were known and sought out by the desperate among both clergy and laity .
19 Many of these workings were destroyed by volcanic activity and earthquakes following the wars between Elves and Dwarfs , whilst others were abandoned or taken over by Night Goblins , Skaven and other evil creatures .
20 All five teenagers were arrested and taken in for questioning .
21 The surviving aircraft with the exception of the B–17s and the flyable PBY , were disassembled and barged back to the mainland .
22 They met for the first time at the weekend as their two-week-old girls were swopped and handed back to the right mothers .
23 The polytechnic developments had at least been the outcome of clear-cut decisions , however weakly the intentions were defined and followed through with sustained resources .
24 Measurements were taken and delivered along with a very roughly drawn sketch .
25 Under the bizarre ruling belongings equal to the value of those stolen were taken and handed over to charity .
26 A glance at the list of some of the most popular privatisations shows that , in most cases , you 'd have more than doubled your shares when they were issued and held on to them .
27 Tickets were retained and handed over for juice and crisps when requested .
28 Tickets were retained and handed over for juice and crisps when requested .
29 A group of sports fans are claiming they were overcharged and let down by a tour operator who sold them tickets to the Olympic Games .
30 These were created or taken over by the state at various times since the first examples under the 1906–14 Liberal Government , but the largest group of Nationalization Acts covering coal , road and rail services , gas , electricity and iron and steel came under the 1945 — 51 Labour Government .
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