Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] [prep] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Relations with Taiwan were expected to be downgraded to " representative " status , but Taiwan 's state-run Chinese Petroleum Corporation was expected to continue to buy the bulk of its crude oil from Saudi Arabia .
2 In a recent ‘ Out On Tuesday ’ programme on Channel 4 , Susan Hemmings observed how , in Britain , feminist lesbians in the seventies were expected to be attracted to a woman on the basis of her ideas rather than her appearance .
3 The conical stub axles and the cylinder were connected by being bolted to an aluminium flange .
4 It was an amazing thing really when I when I look back and think about the decoration side of it because , those fireplaces were had to be seen to be believed because they were , if the wind was in the wrong , you we , the room was full of smoke .
5 Our study lends credence to the recent report of a family with many affected family members with only two to 40 colonic polyps , who were shown to be linked to the APC locus and are therefore likely to be carrying a mutation of this gene .
6 On close examination by the American Consumers ' Union , some of these switches were found to be connected to no vital function of the machine whatever .
7 The resignations of four government ministers in late September were believed to be related to forthcoming elections , with Education Minister Ricardo Lagos Escobar in particular stepping down in order to stand for the presidency in 1993 , and Carlos Ominami Pascual ( Economy ) to organize his campaign .
8 Non-specific changes were seen in 27 ( 0.5% ) ; new changes of possible myocardial ischaemia occurred in 10 ( 0.2% ) and 5 were believed to be related to sumatriptan ( 0.1% ) .
9 Traditionally , doctors were trained by being apprenticed to established physicians .
10 On the outbreak of war the Iraqi army , including recalled reservists , numbered some 955,000 , of whom 620,000 were estimated to be committed to the Kuwaiti theatre of operations ( however , post-war evaluation called seriously into question initial Western intelligence estimates and it was suggested that the figure was nearer 300,000 ) .
11 The move follows three months of protest actions by environmental groups after repeated reports that large consignments of potentially-dangerous wastes were planned to be exported to the country for disposal from France and the United States .
12 Certain facts were required to be proven to the satisfaction of the reviewing court before the magistrate or tribunal could go right or wrong .
13 The concepts themselves have an earlier history on the margin of the philosophical tradition , and were changed in being drawn to the centre .
14 St Clement , chosen by the Danes as the Patron Saint of their church , was martyred by being tied to an anchor and dropped in the sea — which explains why the symbol of today 's church shows an anchor surmounted by an eagle .
15 CONVICTED wife-killer James Rudman today was expected to be extradited to Britain from the Irish Republic .
16 The so-called Massive Privatization Programme was expected to be presented to parliament for approval in the autumn .
17 The draft was expected to be presented to the government as a bill , before going before parliament by the end of October .
18 Legislation approving the move was expected to be presented to the Federal Parliament in 1993 , and a 10-member implementation commission , to be appointed by the three signatories of the accord , was due to be created in order to oversee the transition process .
19 Full enactment of the emergency package required a supplementary budget which was expected to be submitted to the Diet in October or November 1992 .
20 He was expected to be taken to hospital by air ambulance .
21 In 1678 , after more than 5 years ' detention on the barren rock , he was tried in Edinburgh and , with 60 other Covenanters , was sentenced to be banished to Virginia for the remainder of his life .
22 The simultaneous resignation of three officials in the office of the Attorney General was felt to be linked to the case .
23 Peter Barron , 19 , of Lancefield Avenue , Newcastle , was remanded in custody for five days by city magistrates yesterday charged with attempting to murder PC Keith Richardson , who was stabbed after being called to a house burglary .
24 The dismissal of Panizo was thought to be linked to expressions of anti-Japanese racism ( Fujimori himself being of Japanese descent ) and to rumours of a coup plot within the Navy .
25 Although originally the doctrine was thought to be restricted to cases of iniquity or wrong-doing on the part of the party seeking to enforce the obligation of confidence , it is now clear that this is not so .
26 The nature of this partisan strife , and the precise relationship between Whig , Tory , Country and Court , was bound to be transformed to some extent as a result of the Glorious Revolution .
27 At the same time we were organising meeting 's to tell local people about it and to get there views and to make it clear again that we were , you know , we were in a position where we were being forced to do something by this legislation that we did n't want to do and we wanted just , the alternative was if we had set a rent rise , which have been dramatically higher , I mean the four pounds , twenty five rent rise that we eventually had to agree to was higher than what the Council wanted to put the rent 's up by , you would think well the Council put the rent 's up by four pounds , twenty five , erm , and you know , that , that 's why the Council does that sort of thing but it 's us that gets involved in that kind of work , producing information and developing responses and then the secon d major area is what I 've just labelled a strategic policy development , and that mainly erm put policies that are like a rise within the Council rather than things that come from outside , like for example , because were the kind of Council we , we are , there was a debate amongst officer 's and member 's to develop an anti poll strategy and two hundred and eight thousand pounds was found to be linked to that strategy and erm , as that 's enabled various initiative 's to get under , under schemes , crashes for children in the town , stuff like that , er and also , erm to provide an overall policy frame work for other Council department 's .
28 Rubino claimed that the verdict projected the USA in the role of " world policeman " , capable of " imposing its will upon so-called independent sovereign nations " , a reference to the December 1989 US military invasion of Panama during which Noriega was seized before being flown to the USA [ see pp. 37112-13 ] .
29 Hilali 's replacement was believed to be related to problems encountered in the organization of a new national examination system .
30 Everyone was believed to be glued to their computer screens from seven in the morning until nine at night .
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