Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] that [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It would be sensible to cut off most of her hair , but so much of it had grown when her parents were alive that it seemed somehow unfaithful to their memory to scissor it all away .
2 Among them were those who were convinced that he had secretly been in league with the employers .
3 When we came away from the chapel I asked the boys if they were pleased that they had all gone to say goodbye to their grandpa .
4 It was strange that she had never thought of him before , for she now remembered how quickly he had learnt poetry when she was helping him learn to read .
5 Grainne thought it was strange that she had never before realised how many Kings of Ireland had been exiled and had later returned .
6 Already known to have a weakness for a pretty face , it was understandable that she worried now he chose to teach attractive young girls .
7 It was odd that it lay so far from the house .
8 Using my normal methods , I hypnotized Clive ; he was such a tense young man that I was grateful that he had already experienced regression .
9 Sharp as sunlight on zircon was time-sense that she had never known before .
10 It was interesting that it had once belonged to the Ballaters .
11 When we played at his club in Westwood and I beat him comfortably , he discussed the result with his friends in such a way that it was clear that he had deliberately thrown the match in order to contribute to our personal relationship .
12 She was not going to fall in love with him , but even as she said this vehemently to herself , Sara was afraid that she had already gone over the precipice she had been conscious of this morning .
13 By now he was convinced that it had merely acquiesced in the frame-up after his arrest .
14 It was obvious that the sight of him had been a shock to Tamar 's brother , but Davis was convinced that he had never encountered George before .
15 It was amazing that he got away with it .
16 It was fortunate that they 'd both driven back to the farmhouse after leaving the nightclub , before carrying on to the forest in Adam 's car , so her own vehicle was parked outside in the courtyard .
17 Her agent had all but ordered her in front of a firing squad when she had broken the news to him — it was fortunate that she had already pencilled a six-month-long break into her diary , intending to spend the time writing new material .
18 Actually it was lucky that we went right over all three lanes of the motorway , there was a lot of people behind us , but luckily they saw the tyres , and they backed off , but we could have finished up in a real
19 He was glad that they 'd all decided to come .
20 But I was glad that I 'd finally had sex — it was a way of proving that my parents and Uncle Joe had n't destroyed my life .
21 I was glad that I knew exactly where Nigel was .
22 Sam was glad that he 'd never invited him to share Evelyn 's secrets .
23 But , after nearly an hour , it was obvious that she had simply been brought to this near-empty building and left for the police to find her .
24 Derek was confident that she had never been involved in anything subversive in her life or , for that matter , anything which was not completely dignified and fully reputable .
25 When I published this group , with an enormous amount of help from Philip Corder ( Webster , 1947 ) , I was confident that it fell well into the fourth century .
26 After this third attempt the plane disappeared , but I did n't move until I was sure that he had really gone .
27 He inherited a regular staff meeting and was penitent that he had never invented such a meeting in Durham .
28 Working with creatures of such speed it was important that he used exactly the right type of camera .
29 From the beginning she had never tried to pretend that she was in love , although she was very fond of him , and Fred had told her he was happy that she cared enough for him to become his wife .
30 they did n't think it was advisable that she came home
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