Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [coord] it [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive Scott McNealy claimed the move would deliver to Solaris the three volume chips likely to survive : PowerPC , Sparc and Intel as SunSoft resources are moved off the new Intel Corp version , he said , they would be dedicated on the PowerPC — McNealy said this would be ready in late 1993 and SunSoft president Ed Zander immediately stepped up to contradict him , saying the date would more likely be early next year ; few details were available and it remains to be seen who would use it and how it will be sold .
2 Her curtains were open and it went across her window in the sky .
3 By opening night , they were ecstatic and it has to be said , the brightest , the best , and the most appreciative audience we 'd played to .
4 I looked out of the window and it was the back garden of Dr Jane 's house , and when Mrs Pitt came up to serve me and I complained Dr Jane laughed , and it was really Dr Jane all the time and the whole place was horrible and dark and dirty and when I got outside to follow my friends the ones who were usually in the dream there were n't any people and we were in a sort of studio and the village and the inn it was so obvious now I felt a fool for going in and sitting down and expecting to be served was the crudest sort of cardboard stage set like a model for a child 's history lesson and the colours were horrible and it smelt of a sort of horrible glue and — —
5 A reassessment of his career was due and it comes as a new monograph by Tim Hilton ( £30 , Lund Humphries ) and an exhibition which opened at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park at the end of last month ( to 31 August ) and will be shown at The Art Warehouse in London in the autumn .
6 Unfortunately , this was short-lived and it folded in 1884 having been torn asunder by internal dissensions , but before its collapse it inaugurated two important undertakings , the Stockton-on-Tees Mission and the Ayrshire Mission to the Deaf and Dumb .
7 Well it was long and it was straggly and it got on my nerves !
8 He was reluctant but it came in the end : ‘ I 've been thinking ; if Alfie really was coming here it 's possible he would have taken the short cut like we did when we were boys .
9 Its walls were of pinkwashed cob , its roof was thatched and it stood on its own .
10 I was happy and it showed in my skating .
11 After two more attempts he tried the door ; it was unsecured and it opened into a little hall from which stairs led upwards .
12 Its mouth was open and it seemed to be grinning at him .
13 The third light was green and it skidded to a halt .
14 The condition was offputting and it sold below estimate for $48,000 ( £30,000 ; est. $60,000–80,000 ) .
15 None of this was structural but it detracted from the overall impression nevertheless .
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