Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [to-vb] from [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unknown even to the operators , some of the rods of uranium fuel which were supposed to fall from the back of the reactor into a storage pond had instead tumbled into the channel which led up to the tall chimney .
2 He continued : [ T ] he ultimate question for the court was this : if the section 146 notice had required the lessee to remedy the breach and the lessors had then allowed a reasonable time to elapse to enable the lessee fully to comply with the relevant covenant , would such compliance , coupled with the payment of any appropriate monetary compensation , have effectively remedied the harm which the lessors had suffered or were likely to suffer from the breach ?
3 It is said that the plaintiffs endeavoured to run the business because of the negligent advice received by them from Mr on the twenty second of October the plaintiffs were unable to withdraw from the contract .
4 So strong was the filmmakers ' infatuation with Hollywood that they were unable to work from an understanding of the situation that faced them , and develop British cinema according to its own economic and cultural realities .
5 Many employees were engineers who built scientific equipment that they were unable to buy from the West and who became superfluous when the two German economies were combined .
6 Valuable time was lost , the troops opposed to us were able to recover from the disorganization produced by our first attack , and the enemy was given the opportunity to bring up reinforcements . ’
7 The Communists were able to benefit from the war , both in the political Left and in the unions .
8 Boats were able to sail from the river Humber into the village carrying fish and other commodities .
9 The Bolshevik delegates were obliged to withdraw from the Soviet .
10 The United States , the United Kingdom , and France were obliged to abstain from the vote on Resolution 731 ( 1992 ) because they are parties to this dispute with Libya over allegations surrounding the Lockerbie and UIA bombings that were the very subject matter of this resolution .
11 It suggested that , despite its choice on May 26 of veteran left-wing dissident leader Kim Dae Jung as its presidential candidate , both party and leader were keen to move from the left to the political centre in a bid to garner sufficient votes to win the presidency .
12 In relation to the unmixed foil which the buyers had sold , the Court of Appeal held that the Dutch sellers were entitled to receive from the buyers the proceeds of the sales by the buyers .
13 Understandably , he decided there and then to write off the two weekly instalments he was due to collect from a customer there , and never to lend again in that place .
14 During the transfer ceremony Schwarzkopf , who was due to retire from the Army on Aug. 31 , conducted a final review of his troops and spoke emotionally of his pride in having served in the US Army for 35 years .
15 The disarming process was due to begin from the moment of Senora Chamorro 's inauguration and be completed by the tenth of June .
16 Now at that stage my Lord Mr er telephoned Mr on the afternoon of the twenty second of October and it 's his case that he explained what had happened at the meeting of the bank to him and er asked him again , in view of the fact that was having to sell him home , if it was possible to withdraw from the contract and it is the plaintiff 's case that he pointed out to Mr er quite definitely and quite clearly on the telephone , on this day , er that without er the funding that he had required to run this business er he could only see that this was going to be potentially disastrous for him er and once again , my Lord as he said this was a fairly heated conversation and er the plaintiff was told by Mr once again that there was no way out for him and he should now concentrate all his efforts on achieving completion , er and once again we were .
17 " Although paleo-Indians probably were already in North America , no human ear heard the crashing tumult when the Lake Missoula glacial dam … burst and the nearly 2000 foot head of impounded water was free to escape from the Clark Fork River valley system of western Montana and across northern Idaho .
18 Once he had settled into the right-back position he was impossible to move from the Palace first team ( unless illness or injury intervened , and the career chart shows that there was only one season when that happened to any serious degree ) , and he appeared there regularly until the 1st World War brought an end to competitive football and threw everyone 's affairs into confusion .
19 The chamber of commerce in Leeds is very positive about the future , as well it might be , and it was hard to infer from the report that the chamber of commerce felt that there was a need for a regional government , as the hon. Gentleman suggested .
20 Murad II , in fact , desired to increase this amount , but Fahreddin Acemi refused , saying that it was lawful to take from the treasury only what was sufficient to meet his needs .
21 Because of the country 's particular situation , however , the eventual outcome in the GDR was likely to diverge from the rest of the region .
22 Power was conferred upon the chief officer of police to impose conditions on the holding of public processions where he had reasonable grounds to believe that serious public disorder was likely to ensue from the holding of a procession .
23 Faced with this united German front , Napoleon III realized that for him nothing of substance was likely to emerge from the meeting and so he turned it into an exercise in public relations .
24 In other cases , individual workers made their own judgements about whether a person was likely to benefit from the care programme approach .
25 A set of Easter tables drawn up by Cyril of Alexandria ( 376–444 ) was accompanied by a consecutive set of years beginning with the Emperor Diocletian and his persecution in AD 284 , but when in AD 525 a Scythian monk living in Rome , Dionysius Exiguus , prepared a continuation of Cyril 's tables , at the request of Pope John I , he felt that it was inappropriate to reckon from the reign of this enemy of Christianity , and he chose instead to date the years from Christ 's Incarnation .
26 Nor the samples that the postman has kindly left on the doorstep these last few years , thereby avoiding the abuse I was wont to hurl from the bedroom window at anything that made a noise before 8.30am .
27 Timmy was a natural games player and was quick to profit from the tips his father gave him .
28 Unfortunately , John was unable to recover from the hunger , thirst and cold he had endured alone for so long and he died peacefully on 3rd November , 1835 , 3 days after he was rescued .
29 Trent was unable to read from the map for what distance the banks remained steep but if a fall had blocked off the riverbed then the banks had to be steep right up to where the new river cut away from it .
30 All she was able to see from the back of the truck was the rounded outlines of scattered Nissen huts and , on the dark horizon , tall , wedge-shaped buildings hung with dim blue lights .
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