Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [conj] it [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 They were sure that it would be better for Eileen to be back among her loving family who could help her to bear her loss .
2 John Paton. as General Secretary , pointed to the organizational hazards of withdrawing from the Labour Party : The practical difficulties of maintaining and developing the organisation outside the Labour Party were enormous and it might be that it would involve a risk of the complete disintegration of the ILP .
3 Most English politicians , on the other hand , seemed confident that Elizabeth would attempt to introduce a Protestant form of worship , although they were unsure whether it would be based on the first or second Edwardian Prayer Book .
4 As finance director David Nash stated : ‘ In view of the short time since the standard was issued , and the fact that most forecasts have been prepared on the existing basis , we were concerned that it might be confusing if this presentation was based on the new format .
5 Realistically the scope for change in 1992 – 93 was low but it will be interesting to see whether the present flurries of consultation bear fruit in future or are simply a public relations exercise .
6 I thought it was improper that it should be used .
7 Sarah soon began to recover , although it was clear that it would be some time before she was completely well again .
8 The game was certainly a battle , with no lack of foul play , and it was appropriate that it should be won by a penalty .
9 It said that the auditors knew that Union Discount was extending credit to Berg and it was foreseeable that it would be sent copies of the accounts and would rely on them when making decisions whether or not to continue or extend credit .
10 But he was concerned that it could be too late to arrange something .
11 I was concerned that it should be a resource for as many children as possible , and that it should be interdisciplinary .
12 Edouard was worried that it might be difficult for Grégoire to adjust to St-Cloud , and that he might be homesick .
13 Although which river had been kept secret from Trent , he was certain that it would be the north fork of the Belpan where a bend would hide them from the road bridge .
14 The attack on Derek by the roughs who had been paid £3 each was worrying lest it should be repeated .
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