Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [conj] [prep] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He explained the detailed attention which was paid to the background of a child appearing before the Panel and pointed out that it was often revealed that the children concerned came from large families , which were poor and in which there was an absence of adult male guidance .
2 I felt that there were two possible areas of theoretical physics that were fundamental and in which I might do research .
3 We were unsure as to what what what we should do , what we should n't do , wi will we contact social work , will we tell our doctor , wha how how do we do this that and the other ?
4 Here he could live in virtually complete seclusion , at a fraction of the cost it would take in northern Europe or Canada ; where the people were unconcerned as to who you were or what you did ; and where breathtaking vistas opened up for the seeing — both external and internal .
5 They came up with a vision of work that offered them a challenge , was interesting and in which they were in charge .
6 I only wish I was clear as to what we will do myself , you may be sure . ’
7 He began to see that God was not a tyrant but a loving Father ; he began to see that the Christian life was not a series of impossible demands to satisfy the whims of an unreasonable employer ; he began to see that he was welcome because of who he was , and not on the basis of what he could achieve .
8 ‘ I was intrigued as to what you 're doing and was interested in meeting you .
9 Suddenly she was curious as to what her sister 's reaction might have been .
10 For a second Bodie was undecided as to what he could , and should , do now .
11 Davidson and the General kept hinting that I would be much better off without it , but I was terrified that without it I should never be able to fly again , so refused to let them touch it .
12 The child of one of her lodgers died in her house in April of an undiagnosed heart complaint — the tiny thing 's heart simply stopped as it lay in its cot — and though she was sorry for it and sympathetic to the last degree she was aware that inside herself she shrugged and felt none of the horror and distress such an event would once have caused her .
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