Example sentences of "[was/were] [art] [adj] [noun] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some 45 relief workers were the only foreigners remaining in the city , and the UN had had no representation in Mogadishu for some months .
2 While classical factors were often present , and for brief periods predominated , Keynesian factors were the proximate forces accounting for the rise in unemployment over this period .
3 What the cameras did not show were the anonymous men mingling with the crowd , the sophisticated electronic surveillance devices , the hidden cameras monitoring the crowd , the concealed marksmen at vantage points above their heads .
4 What were the significant events happening in your life at the time ?
5 Thus it is said ( though still with problems of interpretation ) that the bards were a specific order ranking below the priests and the seers , though composing with them a specific privileged caste .
6 ‘ You were a long time coming to bed . ’
7 To the Gaijin rear Jotan 's five hundred were a solid mass cutting off the line of retreat .
8 The village felt rather as if it were a hopeful ark floating in isolation while the rest of the world was covered over , hidden from sight by watery winter .
9 The angle between the models is in this case preserved , indicating that they have been operated on as if they were a single model rotating about the origin .
10 The result of this ineptitude was that I was rumbled as a single parent within days , if not hours , and subsequently approached as if I were a fatal poison masquerading as a person .
11 The season 's finale was the annual festival ending with the presentation of the ‘ Fair Play Award ’ by GM to the team who , in the opinion of the Umpire , approached the day in the true spirit of the game .
12 For South Korea there was no love of Japan and there was the current controversy arising from Japanese treatment of the sizeable Korean community living in Japan .
13 The cold war established America as the leader of the free world and the guardian of its values , while Europe was the timid child sheltering in its skirts .
14 So it was indeed a classic nightmare where I dreamt that I was the only person searching for the child , and the only person who saw that this vast Argosy was down near the coastline , and I landed in a most difficult position near the aircraft and found nobody else about .
15 Across the rooftops , a lone cop prowler was the only thing moving on the cold expanse of the Grand Canal .
16 The previous chapter suggested that the Hispanic heritage was the major element contributing to the cultural formation of Latin America and , since values constitute a vital component of culture , the Hispanic influence has been considerable in shaping norms .
17 Here was the Labour Party reverting to its old self , a better self , yes , than the monster it became under the demonic spell of Tony Benn ; here was a party responsive once more to its own people , the people it so shamefully betrayed at two successive general elections since 1979 , but a party — as somebody once said of the SDP - ‘ promising a better yesterday ’ .
18 Rhetorically , it was the time of the great horticultural images of education , derived perhaps first from Rousseau and reinforced by Froebel , for whom the child was the tender plant growing in the garden , the kindergarten .
19 There was the thin voice beating at him across the desk .
20 Was the old nun referring to hands ?
21 ‘ BUSINESS as usual ’ was the upbeat message emanating from the City of London after the IRA exploded a huge bomb in the heart of Britain 's financial capital on April 24th .
22 Was the whole book going to be like this ?
23 The window actually overlooked the top of the yard where the lavatories and the coalhouses were situated , and it was the white material fluttering from the end of the coalhouse that attracted his eye .
24 Or perhaps it was the white light shining through the milky angel that erased all the lines from her face .
25 What was the wretched man doing on board , anyway ?
26 It was the red-faced Viking talking to him , the same chap who had been in the pub .
27 All I can say is that there was a young couple putting on a display in an Abbeyhill park recently which would have made my auld granny 's hair curl !
28 At this time A. A. Griffith ( 1893–1963 ) was a young man working at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough .
29 A little way along there was a young man standing between two stalls with a tray suspended by a strap around his neck .
30 There was a young man standing in the porch and looking around him .
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