Example sentences of "[was/were] [art] [adj] [adj] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were the giggling lavatorial girls we 've always been portrayed but somewhere there was a spark of maturity , ’ says Carolyn .
2 I wanted no children of my own , not because I disliked them , although I did — my step-sister and brother were the only small children I had experience of and they aroused no feelings in me but exasperation and distaste — but because I did n't want to be a mother with the weight of life and death on me .
3 They were the first such images she had seen — the Grimauds , like many Nîmois , were staunchly Protestant .
4 Although we did not know it , we were the first white men he allowed into his home other than on business .
5 They were the first big fish I tried to catch when I decided to be more selective with my fishing , and when I did catch a big chub on my first attempt it set the scene for my present angling outlook .
6 They were the best two words I ever heard in my life .
7 Those were the last human voices I heard all day .
8 If there were a few Jewish citizens they went unidentified ; there was no synagogue , no kosher butcher .
9 They were A lovely little nurse we had in me and nurse Williams from .
10 He walked her out the doors and down the steps , and kissed her on the cheek as if she were an old maiden aunt he had developed a polite affection for .
11 he was the finest fast bowler I ever saw .
12 Then she gave a low cry of astonishment , for this was the dark young man she had cannoned into on the parade at St Petrock 's , on that momentous Christmas Eve .
13 ‘ He was the greatest military leader I ever met , ’ Otto Kretschmer had said , and Jenisch spoke of him as ‘ the father of us all ’ .
14 It was the young French officer he had slain at Amstetten .
15 William said it was the best political occasion he could remember since he had heard Aneurin Bevan speak in South Wales during the war .
16 It was n't much consolation , but it was the best mental panacea she could come up with .
17 He was the best all-round player I ever worked with .
18 ‘ I ca n't believe what 's happened today , but I have to say it was the best 45 minutes I 've had since coming back , ’ he smiled .
19 And they were grown apiece while he was away and they were better than ever and the deal was been that he had was gon na give them the best two cattle you see and this was this was the best two animals he had .
20 Maddox said , ‘ Luke was the best natural talent I ever saw . ’
21 And tied around the oak tree was the largest yellow ribbon I 'd yet seen .
22 And that was the poor old man he was just just about away so they sent for the ambulance and took him down to Forfar to They used to call that the poor house , I do n't know what they call it now but it was the poor house in those
23 It was the only serious favour he had ever asked me .
24 She says : ‘ It was the only personal appearance I did , but now some of the crew call me The Opener .
25 That would take ages so they 're having land reform as a means to an end and that how that it 's improving living standards of peasants so that they get mass support , land reform was the only political option they had .
26 At least it was n't a garret , he would have said , which was the only other thing they 'd been offered .
27 Jeremy Healy 's music was loud and passionate , and designer/stylist Judy Blame agreed that it was the only decent stuff he 'd heard all week , adding that French Djs are the worst on the planet and that there is virtually no point in clubbing in Paris until the situation is remedied .
28 He did not tell her that hers was the only female reputation he had ever given any thought to and that he did not know why he bothered .
29 This was the only regular employment he was ever to have .
30 It was the only small luxury he could discover .
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