Example sentences of "[was/were] [that] [pron] [modal v] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The demands made by the rebels provide the clearest guide to their grievances , and according to the Anonimalle Chronicle those put forward by the Essex men at Mile End on 14 June were that they should be allowed to seize and punish traitors , and that no man should be made a serf nor do homage or any type of service to a lord in return for land ; instead they should hold it at a rent of 4d. an acre .
2 He did n't want to go to Switzerland : if he did go , the chances were that he would be interned there for the rest of the war .
3 It might attract visitors , but the study indicated that visitors ' attitudes towards such ostentation were that it would be reflected in the price of the products .
4 The desiderata for a good background at this point were that it must be perceived by the measuring instrument as significantly darker than the subject , it must be cheap and readily available , and it must be easy to mould it to the growth boxes , fix it to the wall , etc .
5 One of the hazards of the sudden death of infants was that they might be carried off before they had been baptised .
6 Their second greatest fear was that they might be forced to comply with her frequently telephoned suggestion , made purely from a sense of duty , that they should go to stay with her until the Whistler was caught .
7 It was said that the main fear of many army officers who were posted to India was that they would be eaten by a tiger .
8 Mike Ward , the shelter 's manager , said birds covered in oil became waterlogged and were unable to fly , but the biggest danger was that they could be poisoned .
9 The BBC 's proposed solution was that everything should be handled by the BBC and then licensed back to the publishers .
10 What he had n't mentioned was that we would be dining out in restaurants which had attracted a nod from Michelin , a faint damn from Gault-Millau or a paragraph of wet-dream prose in a British Sunday .
11 373 , where the main contention of the defence , noted at p. 376h by Megaw L.J. , who delivered the judgment of the court , was that there must be implied into section 1(1) of the Act of 1968 a requirement that the dishonest appropriation must be without the consent of the owner of the property .
12 What worried her most of all was that she might be held in equal suspicion .
13 Her last wish was that she should be used for transplants .
14 ‘ The idea was that he would be taken up a couple of hundred feet , ’ said Gavin Birkett .
15 The reply was that he could be seen the following Wednesday for a fee of £45 .
16 The jury were directed by the trial judge that they could find him guilty only as actor , whereas the true position was that he could be found guilty either as actor or on the basis of art and part .
17 The answer given to the businessman was that he should be trying to assess the stream of future cash surpluses to be generated by each SBU .
18 The sentence was that he should be boiled in oil , the current punishment for prisoners .
19 The joke around at the time was that it would be filmed with a hand-held camera .
20 Sequent Computer Systems Inc , a key partner in Microsoft Corp 's NT-on-multiprocessors push , is believed to have sent Microsoft changes in the code to enable Microsoft to add 30-way processor support for NT some time ago , and the last minute expectation before launch of NT yesterday was that it would be included on the NT compact disk .
21 The mast was of the newly designed B.T-H ‘ B.2 ’ design with a sloping cap ; its principal advantage was that it could be turned through the full circle without damaging the internal cable .
22 The return expected for his political friendship was an additional post to augment his salary , and one advantage of a sheriffship was that it could be combined with another small office in the same district .
23 One of the main advantages of video as an aid was that it could be used during poor weather .
24 What was new about the Ro-railer was that it could be used on both rails and road .
25 The great merit of Emor was that it could be adapted to suit the requirements of almost any activity you cared to name .
26 The Crown 's case against L was that it could be inferred that the stolen property had come to his premises with his knowledge and by prior arrangement and therefore was in his control and possession ; and that he was therefore guilty of burglary or handling .
27 The advantage of a pillbox line was that it could be held with fewer men who could , therefore , be rotated more frequently : another morale-boosting factor .
28 The idea was that it should be directed by Jon Amiel , who directed Singing Detective and never got much credit for its success , but he did n't want to do it .
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