Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] [verb] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many early treaty collections , nevertheless , were not intended to be available to the general public at all .
2 Nathan Marcus Adler [ q.v. ] , the ‘ chief rabbi ’ , became the supreme ecclesiastical authority of this body ; ministers of its constituent synagogues were not intended to be rabbinical authorities , but merely preachers and pastors .
3 The categories were not intended to be exhaustive .
4 Plans had been put in hand as early as 1978 ( the so-called ‘ Ridley plan ’ : Young , 1990 , pp. 358–60 ) to tackle the miners in a later confrontation on terms favourable to the government ; indeed , because the conditions were not felt to be ripe , the government pulled back from an earlier potential confrontation in 1981 , and allowed a large pay settlement for the NUM ( Young , 1990 ) .
5 In terms of local organizational interests , the twin principles of decanting to London hospitals on the one hand and to another large asylum on the other were not felt to be incompatible with modernization of the service .
6 One of the initial purposes of the World Bank was to aid post-war reconstruction through the provision of finance , since private capital markets were not expected to be able to cope with the scale of the problem .
7 Her brother Mr Bhatti , of Lawrence Street , Dundee , told Lord Osborne that under their faith a couple were not considered to be married until they had gone through a religious ceremony before a Mullah .
8 The law said nothing about duels between species which were not considered to be human — although that did not prevent an offended party from seeking recourse .
9 The inclusion of the retired as a separate group added a socio-demographic element to the typology and , although the classification was two-dimensional , the two axes were not considered to be independent .
10 Fifty three patients were not considered to be potential transplant candidates .
11 Police said two adults and three children were taken to Darlington Memorial Hospital but their injuries were not thought to be serious .
12 After two days of almost non-stop rain , the first day was washed out completely , since the lakes dotted around the ground were not thought to be conducive to good cricket .
13 The UFC 1989 Review 225 admitted that the numerical totals of publications were not found to be helpful in the assessment process , and their panels were agreed that quantity did not equal quality .
14 The UFC 1989 Review admitted that the numerical totals of publications were not found to be helpful in the assessment process , and their panels were agreed that quantity did not equal quality .
15 They had to go through a long interrogation , and their answers were not found to be satisfactory .
16 They were not going to be involved in what he did .
17 ‘ We felt that if she was going to turn on those sort of tactics we were not going to be gentlemanly about it , and that she should just get on and do the job . ’
18 At independence , the powers of the Governor and his administration were transferred to the president and his Cabinet but , as we shall see , these powers were not judged to be sufficient .
19 Although Aunt Violet was n't often rude about other people ( she explained to Alice that Catholics were not allowed to be uncharitable ) , it was she who 'd remarked : ‘ Just a little bit vulgar .
20 Article 6 has never been implemented and it is highly unlikely that it would be used in this way , especially as the consequence would be to release the offending State from those Charter principles that were not deemed to be customary international law .
21 After one year 26 per cent of patients had ceased contact with services and were not known to be resident in the area .
22 Under the ASC , Statements of Standard Accounting Practice were not meant to be rigid specifications of acceptable practice but rather ‘ to narrow the areas of difference ’ between accounting practices .
23 Such laboratories were not meant to be public places , and the requirements of furnaces and sand-baths and enormous wet-batteries all pointed to the basement as the best place , although without good artificial light the hours of usefulness of basement laboratories was limited .
24 We girls were only the workhorses really — we read the instruments , plotted the charts , made the tea and kept the office clean , and were not meant to be able to give a weather forecast .
25 ‘ Welshmen were n't born to be right .
26 We were n't trained to be acquisitive . ’
27 The night raids with a few sporadic bangs and our own guns , and twice a silver Zeppelin picked out by a search light , seemed fun — because we all came downstairs and stayed up late and were n't expected to be bright at school next morning .
28 But from the beginning I sensed that things were n't going to be easy , not for any of us .
29 Erm er , very concerned as to what it was going to lead up to up , and hoping , you know , against hope that 's you were n't going to be involved in anything like that .
30 However , as the need for this particular type of system was not believed to be acute , it was not pursued further at the time .
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