Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] place [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But with hindsight , the effects of such works can seem limited in comparison with the impact of other , more structural , changes that were taking place within British culture at the time .
2 These final days of the third session were taking place in increasing gloom .
3 Many considerable advances were taking place in scientific discovery with regard to the structure and composition of the physical world surrounding human beings , and with regard to the physical nature and make-up of human beings themselves .
4 Hindess ( 1971 ) analysed this in detail for the case of Liverpool , and although the detailed studies of other areas which might support a definite generalisation were not carried out , it seems plausible that a parallel evolution was taking place in other city Labour parties .
5 At such a time , when attitudes were changing but no effective consensus had emerged , it was not surprising that Truman should see in Churchill 's forthcoming speech at Fulton ( Missouri ) an opportunity to discover how far a sea-change was taking place in American opinion .
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