Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [prep] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On 22 March 1975 two electricians were checking for air leaks beside electricity cable ducts in the Browns Ferry power station in Alabama — then the world 's largest operating nuclear plant .
2 Both the science and history departments were tending towards RBL approaches in support of a developing middle-school syllabus , and the issue of study skills had been recently debated in several forums across the school .
3 The truth is , if we were looking for people to blame for the fact that the once-great club are now Division Three favourites , referee Brian Coddington would come a long way down the list .
4 David Taylor said the bailiffs were looking for property belonging to his brother 's former girlfriend , who left the house two years ago .
5 South Yorks police said they were selling off property recovered from crooks — or unclaimed loot from robberies .
6 In answer to our enquiries they said they were waiting for goods coming from Egypt to receive customs clearance .
7 I knew MPs who could n't sleep at night because they were going through lobbies voting against their consciences for the Gulf war — to kill 100,000 people — because they believed it would help a Labour victory .
8 I thought they 'd probably want to see the video I was splicing together from the footage we were getting on opium growing in the Bekaa Valley , but these were cops on a government-paid vacation .
9 The salaried groups were expanding as employment grew in professional and administrative services ; for every two civil servants in 1929 there were three in 1938 .
10 I can honestly say that of the many hundreds of queries I have answered where fish were dead/unwell , probably less than 1% were suffering from disease caused by a pathogen ( causative organism ) , and about 5% from probable organic failure ( tumour , heart failure , and the like ) .
11 ‘ We were talking about radiation transmitted from the cosmos and he mentioned about his space flight , ’ explained Eric , who thought nothing more of it until he received the signed sticker through the post .
12 One weakness of this study is that being retrospective , although the authors could control for inter-rater reliability in defining cases of schizophrenia , they were relying on diagnoses made by clinicians at an earlier period .
13 Generally , these films were working at luminance ranges beyond their zones of reciprocity failure , resulting in poor resolution , low contrast and indifferent colour rendition .
14 Nowadays everything was subject to time and motion study and fine scientists , original minds , were working to schedules created by smart-alecks hired from private enterprise .
15 I was depending on Francesca to look after Thornton , and give him lunch and introduce him around , since she 'll be working with him . ’
16 It was daring of McChrystal to start with Bach on the saxophone , even if this sonata — normally for violin or flute — is of very doubtful authenticity .
17 One day , Walton relates , as he was walking to Salisbury to worship in the Cathedral and play music with his friends ,
18 Late in the day , against the dollar the pound was trading at $1.4490 compared with $1.4495 .
19 MISS Whiplash yesterday announced in a letter she was returning to Britain to stand as Corrective Party candidate in the Newbury by-election .
20 The outspoken tone of the article was typical of the style of writing the periodical was developing with authors shielded by anonymity .
21 Finally he took me in to his office and said he was looking for Girls to work at the Winter Gardens , Blackpool .
22 And here came ‘ Space Oddity ’ which was coinciding with men landing on the moon , which is what I think inspired him to write it , there is no question about it .
23 Three days later , Mr Koc said he was taken from his room at the hospital to another room where a man was lying in bed watched by his wife and six-month-old baby .
24 Three days later , Mr Koc said he was taken from his room at the hospital to another room where a man was lying in bed watched by his wife and six-month-old baby .
25 The fella 's name was a Corporal and he was killed in a train wreck at Ipswich while he was going on leave going to London .
26 She was going to Birmingham to stay with her sister who had just had a baby girl .
27 What I did n't realise was that her holiday started the day after she 'd had dinner with me , she was going to Italy to look at churches with her beloved son .
28 By the time Philip Miller came to Chelsea thirteen years later , attention was turning towards imports arriving from the East as well as the West .
29 She was riding around town looking for George on his Bay Horse to hear of his encounter with the Dragon .
30 Agnes was speaking through teeth clenched against any further emotion , and fumbling in her handbag .
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