Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] [to-vb] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unless pressure is put on the Government , they will simply substitute that money for money that they were going to spend in the regions anyway , and the regions will not receive any direct benefit , although that was the whole purpose of the RECHAR regulations .
2 After all , they were going to live in a village they had never even seen , and during the next hour or so they would discover what manner of place their new home was .
3 One thing that I had grasped about the whole business was that we were going to live in a country area where there would be lots of wildlife , and I had heard of King Arthur , of course .
4 ( They showed me how deep they had advanced into Russia and I showed them what we were going to do in the West .
5 She had n't realised that they were going to breakfast in the suite or even that she would share breakfast with him .
6 When he knew they were going to surrender in the morning , he slipped away from his unit .
7 So at that point then did you almost give up hope that you would be rescued ? that you more or less were going to end in the sea at that point ?
8 And and er and there er I began to learn what the what what things were beginning to happen in the coal fields .
9 The scenery was fascinating ; mountains were beginning to appear in the distance , beckoning to her with a blue , misty enchantment , to which she responded with a longing she could n't believe she possessed .
10 The qualities of independence , singularity of viewpoint , and readiness to move far afield in pursuit of his inner wishes ( a characteristic of his father 's early career ) were beginning to appear in the son .
11 Seven in ten were continuing to work in an IT area , building on the knowledge and skills acquired in the Advanced Course .
12 This recovery has been made necessary because , as we have seen , the rhetorical and historical use of anthropology got so disastrously mixed up in the work of the founders and produced a false picture of the idyllic classless community which was later termed primitive communism and then got further confused with the type of society the Marxists were trying to construct in the future .
13 We are all standing there with our hands on that table like it was a boat we were trying to launch in the river , so little Darius at the head looks up at us both and asks , ‘ Are you two gon na have this kiss or not ? ’
14 Opposing bail at the Magistrates Court , a detective said the two women had been left penniless and without passports but were planning to leave in a couple of days .
15 Christie was refusing to bask in the glory of his sensational Olympic 100 metres victory .
16 He was going to wait in the corridor until Kopyion came out , and he would confront him .
17 how long the employment was going to last in the absence of sickness ( a short-term contract is more likely to be frustrated than a job expected to last for the foreseeable future ) ;
18 She was going to swim in the lake , alone , because both Nick and her father had expressly forbidden it .
19 Last April , Kathleen informed us all that she was going to retire in the autumn .
20 Standing back from the main road , surrounded by green grass , was the memorial to those men of the village and the surrounding hamlets who had died during the Great War , and behind the memorial was the primary school which I was going to join in the course of the next few days .
21 She needed it for the letter she was going to write in a minute to Nora .
22 At Gateshead Frank informed me that I was going to run in the B relay team at the meeting , and I refused .
23 For a little while I was afraid I was going to land in the middle of a town , but I mercifully drifted to the edge of this .
24 How could she tell her when she still had so many doubts in her own mind about the path she was going to follow in the future ?
25 By indulging in such policies , Professor Beer has contended , government was beginning to move in the direction of a managed economy .
26 We can only freely give ourselves to someone else when we are ‘ real persons ’ — just as Harry was beginning to see in the play .
27 By the time she had rolled the last lump of dog food into the canal , the sun was beginning to rise in the east .
28 Between us stood a fat red candle , whose flame was beginning to drown in a pond of wax , and a purple African violet made of plastic .
29 Mme Guérigny , whilst relying on her son , still found it distasteful that he was managing to survive in the face of the family tragedy .
30 AT3 was much keener on the notion of cooperation with the Music department , with whom he was hoping to collaborate in the production of cartoon videos , using the school 's newly acquired colour video camera .
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