Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [to-vb] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Chris Lawrence , in working with a class of London children , showed them some photographs of ‘ dancers ’ whom the children were later to meet and instruct on the movement of animals .
2 Superficially it might have appeared as though two brawny giants , immobilised but for the sway of their torsos , were about to jab and slash at one another , piercing and flaying till the vampire bat device decided that sufficient flesh had been sliced , that sufficient blood had coagulated in slim cinnabar threads .
3 It was somewhere to hide and sob into your plastic glass of flat lager while all around , pondlife ran riot .
4 It may have brought much comfort ( or much discomfort ! ) , it may have been continuing or a once only meeting but nevertheless was important in that another Christian was alongside to listen and share in such a way that you travelled on encouraged .
5 I sat him up , and said to him in a new voice that he was not to try and move without me .
6 In alluding to Ronald Duncan and The Criterion , he was referring to a proposal by Duncan — with whom I had been in correspondence , though I did not meet him until after the war — that I should write for The Townsman ( a magazine which he edited from an ancient mill situated in a valley on the Devon/Cornish border , where I was later to live and write about ) , an article analysing the reasons why The Criterion , after flourishing for seventeen years , had so suddenly come to an end .
7 With a terrible dread , she knew at once what was about to happen and ran to the caravan door to prevent her unwelcome callers from entering it .
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