Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adv] [adj] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 In the main , they both consisted of boys and young men who were rather more reluctant to join in the ritual chanting and singing and were even less keen to get mixed up in the aggro .
2 In practice the widowed of any age were much more likely to stay in their own homes than to move to find support .
3 Whatever the final critical evaluation of the film , Stone deserves praise for blowing the dust covers off the Kennedy assassination debate , which many Americans were all too ready to shroud in convenient official explanations — namely , the findings of the largely discredited Warren Report .
4 In 1938 , people were only too ready to believe in the evil creatures from outer space .
5 Additionally , the Society gave an assurance that all trees and plants described in their publication were available in their nurseries and were not just those displayed in botanic gardens , or owned by curious gentlemen .
6 Their structure was by no means on a sound footing by the 1560 's however , and heeding what must have been glowing reports from England , and having seen for themselves good samples of the ore , they were probably quite eager to invest in the English adventure .
7 Lawyers with a keen sense of the value of good political connections for their own professional careers were often very ready to fly in the direction of the politicians who were seen to have power .
8 Well jobs were were n't particularly hard to get in nineteen thirteen and er well in any case me father worked there and he 'd worked there many years so i it was the normal thing that you usually followed your father like .
9 They were then very pleased to read in the book that it had been done for the very same reasons .
10 Maori children were significantly more likely to live in the North Island , ( χ 2 =100 , df=4 , p<0.001 ) , have lower socioeconomic status ( χ 2 =133 , df=2 , p<0.001 ) , have an unmarried mother ( χ 2 =247 , df=1 , p<0.001 ) , have a mother who had left school young ( χ 2 =78 , df=2 , p<0.001 ) , and have a mother young at the birth of the infant ( χ 2 =130 , df=3 , p<0.001 ) ( table I ) .
11 Luckily , this fashion seems to have passed as such things were never very easy to eat in a dignified way .
12 I take it that they were too realistically magical to exist in the world as we know it .
13 The fact that the Fund was only too willing to lend in return for a written undertaking that domestic economic policy would follow the lines agreed in negotiations between Treasury officials and the Fund investigators in the autumn of 1976 , involved what many Labour activists saw as a loss of governing powers to an external force that was anti-socialist .
14 The boundary between probity and fraud was much more difficult to draw in this area .
15 The fact that she and Liz had married two brothers was something that was much more likely to happen in fiction than in real life .
16 Practical PC recently received a heart-rending letter from a reader and while it was already too late to help in her particular case it is worth going over her story to prevent others from falling into the same trap .
17 and stuff and they 'd be shouting down they were all like , they were all real East End barrow boys and , and just , it was exactly like the film , just talking talking talking all the time on two phones and like , and like I was just so scared to go in there because I , if you do anything wrong they just shout immediately .
18 I was just about ready to turn in my leather jacket for a Limnititzker housewife 's headscarf , anything for a passport into that secret world of hers …
19 And in November at the council he let see how much trust he was ever again likely to put in the little law-givers at Westminster .
20 They intrigued him immeasurably , almost as if they were rare and unusual animals or birds , although at first he was often too shy to speak in their company .
21 But as we saw in that magnificent film The Cruel Sea ( recently re-shown on television ) it was even more nerve-wracking to serve in a slow moving ammunition ship or tanker , bearing a lethal cargo , than to man the depth charges and guns on a naval corvette , which was at least able to defend itself .
22 Privately , it was n't too difficult to discover in the Irish camp during the build-up to the match an acceptance that the backlash after the remarkable First Test would be fearsome .
23 I was almost too tired to eat in the old , flagged kitchen hung with gleaming copper pans and jelly moulds , but the macaroni cheese was as good as Aunt Bedelia 's .
24 For Nizan it was no longer possible to shelter in the protective , disciplined , self-contained environment of school .
25 The dynamic driving-force of the ‘ Hitler myth ’ allowed , in fact , no stabilization or ‘ normalization ’ , but rather conditioned circumstances in which the traditional ‘ ruling class ’ became ever more subsumed in and dependent upon the ‘ behemoth ’ of the Nazi State which it was no longer able to control in its mad rush to destruction .
26 Curiously , it was actually very slow to happen in the financial services markets .
27 In view of the history of rural housing it was therefore somewhat ironic to find in 1976 that changes to the tied cottage legislation were opposed by the farmers ' lobby on the grounds that there were insufficient safeguards against local authorities refusing to meet their housing responsibilities !
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