Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adj] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You were below ground when it happened .
2 I was invited to write this article before the election , around the proposition that the policy differences between the parties were so narrow that it did not really matter who won — a political worldweariness with which I sharply disagreed .
3 who were so shifty when it happened ,
4 Frequently the results were so error-prone that it took more effort to correct the translation than it actually did to manually translate the text .
5 Some of the great controversies were so trivial that it seemed as if people had positively to search for something to quarrel about .
6 It was a miserable time ; the winter proved too much for him , and at the beginning of 1956 he had a severe attack of bronchitis : his coughing and choking were so bad that it induced his tachycardia .
7 They were less well-informed when it came to knowing the sort of people who were likely to volunteer as foster parents .
8 Since the headmen were neither recruited , trained nor even supervised in a consistent manner , it is not surprising that they were generally inactive when it came to dealing with crime .
9 In fact , these provisions were largely ineffective since it proved extremely difficult to determine with any certainty which properties had increased in value as a result of a scheme ( or of works carried out under a scheme ) or , where there was a reasonable degree of certainty , how much of the increase in value was directly attributable to the scheme and how much to other factors .
10 The children had heard this song many times but they were always sad that it sounded such a lonely song .
11 He wondered if her hair were as soft as it looked .
12 A spokeswoman said : ‘ We were quite surprised when it came back as a 15 after all the controversy .
13 At first they were quite crude and it took little skill and expertise to forge the signature , and then fraudulently put them to financial advantage .
14 I remember myself , one time we had we had two grand fields and it were They were almost ripe when it came an awful time of rain , and they were just a sort of flattened .
15 Erm I mean Martin , Martin 's very good and he 'll , you know , stop me there and , and , and go back over it and but it , it , the the was already there so it 's already got you thinking about other things and , you know , things that were completely irrelevant and it confused me at times .
16 They were very discreet but it looked to me like an assignation . ’
17 No doubt the members were very proud when it won the demo-competition at the party where it was released .
18 The Dark Elves were too strong and it looked as if the Everqueen , the spiritual leader of Ulthuan , would fall into their clutches .
19 This central finding of the study was intensely controversial since it implied , firstly , that the USSR showed signs of fundamental weakness and was less of a ‘ threat ’ and , secondly , it appeared to run counter to the view of some econometricians that developing countries , especially those purchasing advanced foreign technology in large quantities , must eventually catch up .
20 It was dead right but it gave me a tough act to follow and only Joyce 's famous ‘ George , do n't do that ’ would fit the bill .
21 When it arrived , it was rather dirty because it had been pulled along the ground by horses .
22 It was rather small and it had been hung , quite casually , on a nail protruding from the wall .
23 Its working was rather fitful and it failed in a couple of astounding thunderstorms they had .
24 And there were a ninety yard dr drop but er Had it happen it very often of course , but it was rather unnerving when it did happen .
25 His press soubriquet ‘ Sunny Jim ’ was rather misplaced since it concealed a somewhat touchy disposition , just as Henderson 's unwontedly benign term of endearment , ‘ Uncle Arthur ’ , had been in the past .
26 He tried to get a post at the British Museum , and was most indignant when it went to George Children , a friend of Davy and thus possessing superior patronage .
27 The building was so perfect that it became fantastic , and we imagined a huge finger coming from the sky and pressing on the dome .
28 The animal was so tame that it shinned up his leg and dived into a deep pocket .
29 Greenbaum et al ( 1977 ) put it stronger when they said NAEP was so limited that it has ‘ virtually no capacity to provide the federal government , the lay public , or most educational policymakers with results that are directly useful for decision making ’ .
30 Her throat was so dry that it hurt .
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