Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr. Smith 's evidence comes down essentially to the position that Mr. Winterbone 's mental powers were not materially impaired or materially different from the position they were in before he had his fall and went into either Samuel Saye House or Haine Hospital .
2 All the lights in the town were out as we made our way through the almost empty streets .
3 But Kate knew when enough was enough so she kept her peace .
4 It was thus that it acquired its unique form : 35 km long and about 1.6 km wide with steep sides sloping to a flat bed .
5 It was noticed , too , that he had taken the precaution of having some shoes with built-up heels made , so that when the ceremony was over and he took his wife 's arm to move slowly down the aisle , he appeared to be the same height as her , or very nearly .
6 Pete has never touched my hair in my life and there was some downstairs in that bathroom downstairs and I thought hey that looks a bit of fun , I 'll have a go at that and erm and I was outside and I took my hair down , I 'd just washed it and I said oh look , you know , I used this hair thickening shampoo do you think it looks thicker , as a joke , and he goes yeah it does actually , yeah it really does .
7 Perhaps he could n't bear to , perhaps it was just that he felt his marriage to be a private affair .
8 It was not until I met my current hairdresser ( who thankfully is still in the same place three years later ! ) that I realised the importance of a good head of hair , stylishly cut , well-conditioned and subtly coloured .
9 It was not until she began her studies in Sussex three years ago , however , that she resumed participation .
10 ( Even Mrs Abercrombie , once when Amy was out and I changed her sheets , cried like a baby from shame . )
11 It was now that she gained her reputation for eccentricity .
12 It was here that he met his future wife , Jan , and the pair eventually set up their own practice .
13 Jam-packed with a complete run of Plebs and sets of the TUC and Labour Party conference reports , it was here that he wrote his book The Labour College Movement .
14 Jam-packed with a complete run of Plebs and sets of the TUC and Labour Party conference reports , it was here that he wrote his book The Labour College Movement .
15 It was here that he made his name , carrying out the first really ambitious operation of its kind in the country , which was to be a blueprint for his ‘ Great Design ’ for the Fens .
16 It was n't that he minded her presence ; and he did n't mind her company , on those occasions when he actually spent time with her .
17 It was n't until she began her tour of the estate agents that she realised she had completely forgotten to settle Elise 's outstanding account .
18 It was n't until she felt his hand on her breast and experienced , like hot needles going through her , the sharp tug of responsive desire in her loins that Ronni belatedly realised what was happening .
19 These end-of-day meetings were very important , for it was then that we reviewed our progress , comparing our morning 's expectations with the fruits of our labours .
20 It was then that he sensed her extreme youth ; the twin globes of her dark breasts with their sharp , neat points were hard and solid , her skin , a deep indigo in the near-blackness , was velvet-smooth , entirely without hair .
21 It was then that he felt his true strength as an eagle coming at last .
22 Arguably , however , his most brilliant work was done during the many months of relative inactivity that followed , for it was then that he remoulded his demoralized command into a confident , compact fighting unit .
23 It was then that I made my mind up .
24 It was then that I made my never-to-be-forgotten answer , ‘ Mum 's lost , down the fair . ’
25 It was then that I saw her wild , inhuman face !
26 It was then that she realised her own power and made an instant resolve never to abuse it .
27 It was then that she missed her locket .
28 It was there that he developed his passion for acting , joining a prisoners ' drama group .
29 It was there that he improved his batting and between 1845 and 1857 he represented Sheffield and Yorkshire in many games .
30 During World War Two , he went into naval research as a lieutenant , working on a thermal-guided missile and other projects , and it was there that he met his future partner , Ibuka .
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