Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 But suppose they were n't and I accuse him ?
2 ‘ We are n't saying we agree with what he 's done but if he knew we were there and we loved him it would have come out differently .
3 What state it was in before it crystallized he does not explain ; certainly it was not glassy .
4 It was only after she called him that he telephoned her .
5 Oh , we 'd felt like this for years but we would n't acknowledge it , and then we started meeting casually and standing talking for ages , but it was only when I met him and he was so upset about the baby and — and other things .
6 At the entrance to the Press tent I asked the security man if Toby was inside and he pointed him out in the middle of the usual muddle of desks and papers , with telephones ringing and cigarette smoke drifting , and expletives exploding .
7 Charles found it a strain and was relieved when the meal was over and he felt he could decently leave .
8 He was exactly as I remembered him , that June night after our fishing .
9 and imagining what her life was like before she married him .
10 Dyson discovered that he wanted the young man to know where it was more than he wanted him not to know .
11 He did n't know Jack Stone was back until he spotted him , probably while he was working on his allotment .
12 But Mary was out so I gave him the letter and began to tell him about the trouble at home .
13 Not that I bore him any personal ill-will ; it was simply that I knew he could n't stay .
14 It was n't that she wanted him to be here with her .
15 It was n't until we told him , that he exclaimed ‘ Oh yes , I remember the Institute Netball Team first time round in the 70's — Oh yes , a right tough lot ! ’ — Marion , we 'll get together for a few team tactics eh ?
16 It was duly arranged that we should meet after work , and it was then that I gave him further details about my ‘ sponsored ’ trip to Paris and about my much more ambitious idea of a trip to Libya .
17 And erm our local er press was there and I think he went away and phoned up straight away t to Quix and said , Oh well you know they were twenty five to thirty women in Blaenau I never you know sort of their not your usual erm politicals if you like you know they just .
18 So erm mum went down one day and he was there and she said he were with my sister 's boy , they were both sleeping rough .
19 That was why when I told him about my LCC-subsidized visit to Paris , he insisted that I should pay calls on friends of his like Paul Valéry , Jacques Maritain and Charles du Bos ; and he set about providing me with letters of introduction .
20 I was very when he said he did n't like it for sure ,
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