Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He says that they were only just recovering from making cuts last year , now they 're having to do the same again ; only this time there will be redundancies .
2 ‘ Goodson ’ records were less badly afflicted by warping , but shrank instead .
3 These changes were obviously directly related to rising real incomes but they resulted , also , from the system of taxation [ Kay and King , 1978 ] .
4 Even when we were not even looking like fouling them he was giving free kicks against us .
5 Subsequently Dement established that these psychiatric symptoms were not reliably elicited by depriving the subjects of REM sleep .
6 Lavender bags were not merely intended for perfuming household linen and blankets in the days of Elizabeth I — they acted as a deterrent to moths , fleas and other unwanted pests ; and the stems were once burnt as a fumigant in sick-rooms .
7 A mock ‘ Petition of the Pawnbrokers ’ said the petitioners who were in the business of lending small sums on pledges were not legally justified in charging more than five pounds for the loan of a hundred pounds for a year .
8 Although techniques assumed a more significant role , as indicated by these publications and by major sections in textbooks ( e.g. Gregory and Walling , 1973 ) , specific laboratory and field techniques courses were not quickly adopted in teaching physical geography in all departments although a self-paced course was one that had been developed ( Clark and Gregory , 1982 ) .
9 Though most report makers were not initially committed to reporting on an annual basis , nearly two thirds now feel that an annual report is appropriate .
10 On the other hand , others , like Joseph Parker , to whom Gladstonian Liberalism and Protestant Christianity were one faith , were not therefore accused of preaching the ‘ social gospel ’ .
11 FIREFIGHTERS , a vet and an RSPCA inspector were yesterday officially recognised for rescuing a pony trapped after it slipped down a drain .
12 Even if America 's coasts , and the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve , were once again opened to drilling , the results would not offset the decline in production .
13 Two other features of the scheme were both bitterly resented by working people .
14 Saint and Bartley were also jointly charged with stealing thousands of pounds worth of property from Sissons Gallery , Thirsk , in 1991 ; Victorian Edwardian Furniture , Darlington , in February this year ; and Swineside Ceramics , at Leyburn , in January , 1992 .
15 The teenagers were also jointly charged with attempting to murder Mr Reed 's friend , Philip Tull , also 45 , who suffered multiple injuries in the incident on Cardiff 's troubled Ely housing estate on Friday night .
16 Naive trainees were often thus coaxed into doing hard , boring work for little remuneration .
17 Her duties were n't merely confined to waitressing however ; like all the girls at The Haven she did whatever was required of her from changing bed linen to washing dishes .
18 Indeed the report says ‘ small numbers of households found that the combination of high motoring costs and acceptable levels of public transport such that they were simply not bothered about learning to drive , or getting a car .
19 Gay men who had been shown a stiff cock in a public lavatory by a policeman , and were then promptly arrested for showing an interest , were n't slow to remind us that , thanks to Queen Victoria , lesbianism was not illegal .
20 None of this meant that American companies were no longer interested in financing British filmmakers or even British ideas , but they were no longer committed to doing so , and did n't expect to be sufficiently involved to justify keeping offices in London .
21 The German gunners were certainly not sitting about doing nothing .
22 As administrators they did just fine , but they were never truly committed to spreading the game .
23 Even where the entrances were very well hidden by ploughing and cultivation , the rabbits somehow found their way back to the selfsame underground burrows their predecessors had used for generations .
24 Not apprehensive he was going astray , the took towards the river ; but having a high bank to mount , and being nearly exhausted with wandering and the effect of the liquor , he was most fortunately prevented from rising the mound , or he certainly must have precipitated himself ( as it was near high water ) into the Medway .
25 By 1812–13 Rundell was furthermore actively engaged in buying a steam engine for a diamond-cutting subsidiary in Spitalfields .
26 It could be said that some sort of crisis was going to force itself up in the life of a strongly emotional young man who was so strictly engaged in compartmentalizing his life : a father who was never meant to know about Janie Moore ; Minto herself cut off from college ; almost all his friends kept in darkness about his emotional history , and most of them at this period unaware of his religious interests ; pupils who were discussing with him the things he cared about most — books — but in a fashion which prevented his strength of feeling breaking through .
27 The breed was largely restricted to its light-soiled native area in East Anglia , especially on the poorer , sandy Suffolk lands where it was so well adapted to living on sparse , low-quality grazing that on good pasture it would grow too much and become coarse in the bone .
28 The consultation process culminated in the Seminar on the Advanced Accounting Provision held on 7 October at Hanover House which was extremely well attended by accounting lecturers and other interested parties .
29 I have a sizeable chunk of my left thumb missing due to an early encounter with a vicious horse , and I was already highly experienced at looking after horses when this happened .
30 She was not even bothered by glittering black eyes , and her own clear grey eyes met his indignantly .
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